React-Pdf Table
@react-pdf/renderer is a React renderer for creating PDF files on the browser and server.
With react-pdf-table, create custom tables and add them to your pdf content.
How to install
Add the package, whether with yarn or npm :
- npm install react-pdf-table
- yarn add react-pdf-table
How to use
Using an import, add the Table component to your file.
import Table from 'react-pdf-table'
Make sure to have a dataset, with either rows or columns
const data = {
title: 'Table title',
headers: ['head 1', 'head 2', 'head 3'],
rows: [
['in head 1 - 1', 'in head 2 - 1', 'in head 3 - 1'],
['in head 1 - 2', 'in head 2 - 2', 'in head 3 - 2'],
['in head 1 - 3', 'in head 2 - 3', 'in head 3 - 3']
footer: 'footer'
Call it with your data, following react-pdf's architecture ( Can be found on ).
Here is a basic example :
<PDFViewer width={'100%'} height={'800px'}>
<Page size="A4">
<Table data={data} />
This library is provided with custom styling options.
All CSS properties can be found on
container: { backgroundColor: 'tomato' },
cell: {
textAlign: 'center',
color: 'white'
Custom styling is enabled on :
- container
- title
- table
- header
- cell
- footer