Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor
An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系
npm install @alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor
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14 Apr 2023
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This is monaco-editor's react port for lowcode environments.
It removes those obstacles when using monaco-editor directly:
And it supports some of the monaco-editor typescript definitions without referring to monaco-editor directly.
BTW. Style is seperate from index.js. Use import '@alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor/lib/style';
for styling.
prop | description | type annotation |
value | value, controlled | string |
defaultValue | defaultValue for creating model, uncontrolled | string |
language | language of the editor | string |
theme | theme of the editor, `"light" | "vs-dark"` |
options | Monaco editor options | Record<string, any> |
requireConfig | config passing to require, can be used to upgrade monaco-editor | Record<string, any> |
path | path of the current model, useful when creating a multi-model editor | string |
saveViewState | whether to save the models' view states between model changes or not | boolean |
className | className of wrapper | string |
width | width of wrapper | `number |
height | height of wrapper | `number |
enableOutline | whether to enable outline of wrapper or not | boolean |
style | style of wrapper | CSSProperties |
editorWillMount | callback after monaco's loaded and before editor's loaded | (monaco: IMonacoInstance) => void |
editorDidMount | callback after monaco's loaded and after editor's loaded | (monaco: IMonacoInstance, editor: IEditorInstance) => void |
1<SingleMonacoEditorComponent 2 value={val} 3 language="json" 4 onChange={(next) => { 5 setValue(next); 6 }} 7 supportFullScreen={true} 8/>
1<LowcodePluginBaseMonacoEditor.MonacoDiffEditor 2 original={JSON.stringify({a: 1}, null, 2)} 3 value={JSON.stringify({b: 2}, null, 2)} 4 height={100} 5 language="json" 6/>
1import React, { Component } from 'react';
2import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
3import SingleMonacoEditorComponent from '@alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor';
5function App() {
6 const [files, setFiles] = React.useState({
7 'a.json': {
8 name: 'a.json',
9 language: 'json',
10 value: '{ "a": 1 }',
11 },
12 'b.js': {
13 name: 'b.js',
14 language: 'javascript',
15 value: 'var a = 1',
16 },
17 'c.sql': {
18 name: 'c.sql',
19 language: 'sql',
20 value: 'SELECT * from table where id = 1',
21 },
22 })
23 const [fileName, setFileName] = React.useState("a.json");
24 const file = files[fileName];
26 return (
27 <div>
28 {Object.keys(files).map(key => (
29 <button
30 key={key}
31 disabled={key === fileName}
32 onClick={() => {
33 setFileName(key)
34 }}
35 >
36 {key}
37 </button>
38 ))}
39 <SingleMonacoEditorComponent
40 height={40}
41 path={}
42 language={file.language}
43 defaultValue={file.value}
44 saveViewState={true}
45 onChange={(next) => {
46 setFiles(v => ({
47 ...v,
48 []: {
49 ...v[],
50 value: next,
51 },
52 }))
53 }}
54 />
55 </div>
56 );
59ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);
1import { controller } from '@alilc/lowcode-plugin-base-monaco-editor'; 2 3// configure Monaco to be singleton 4controller.updateMeta({ singleton: true }); 5 6// Get all metadata 7controller.getMeta(); 8 9// register a custom method 10controller.registerMethod('methodName', (a, b, c) => { }); 11 12// call custom methods 13const ret ='methodName', a, b, c);
This is forked from monaco-react. Thanks for suren-atoyan's effort for making monaco editor appoachable.
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