lightweight and cute API client for AT Protocol.
- small, the bare minimum is ~1 kB gzipped with the full package at ~2.4 kB gzipped.
- no runtime validation, type definitions match actual HTTP responses, the server is assumed to
be trusted in returning valid responses.
import { XRPC, CredentialManager } from '@atcute/client';
const manager = new CredentialManager({ service: 'https://bsky.social' });
const rpc = new XRPC({ handler: manager });
await manager.login({ identifier: 'example.com', password: 'ofki-yrwl-hmcc-cvau' });
// -> { refreshJwt: 'eyJhb...', ... }
const { data } = await rpc.get('com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle', {
params: {
handle: 'pfrazee.com',
// -> did:plc:ragtjsm2j2vknwkz3zp4oxrd
by default, the API client only ships with the base AT Protocol (com.atproto.*
) lexicons and
endpoints , along with a middleware for doing a (legacy) authentication with a PDS. you can extend
these with optional definition packages: