Tokens are a single source of truth to name and store Atlassian design decisions.
yarn add @atlaskit/tokens
View documentation.
A babel plugin to optimise performance and support fallbacks for Design System tokens.
It replaces any calls to the @atlaskit/tokens
token() function with the CSS value the function
would return (i.e. var(--token-name) or variations with fallbacks).
If there’s no fallback, the plugin (optionally) finds the token’s value from the default Atlassian
theme, and sets it as the fallback.
If there is a fallback defined in code, it’s inserted into the style (expressions are inserted using
template strings).
Add the plugin to your babel configuration:
"plugins": [
["@atlaskit/tokens/babel-plugin", { "shouldUseAutoFallback": true }]
Currently the plugin supports one option, shouldUseAutoFallback
. When not disabled, the plugin
will fetch the token's value in the default Atlassian theme (currently atlassian-light
) and use it
as the fallback value.
This is useful for cases where tokens are in use, but token definitions aren't guaranteed to be
present in the top-level page CSS.