Vue3.js Updates
export const AuthService = initializeAuth({
onRedirectCallback: appState => {
appState && appState.targetUrl
? appState.targetUrl
: window.location.pathname
AuthService.on(AuthService.AUTH_EVENTS.AUTHENTICATED, async () => {
AppState.user = AuthService.user
$resource.defaultHeaders.Authorization = AuthService.bearer
await profileService.getProfile()
AuthService.on(AuthService.AUTH_EVENTS.LOADED, () => {
AppState.$auth = reactive(AuthService)
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jakeoverall/auth0-vue/auth0provider.min.js">
This library is a small wrapper around auth0-spa-js. It is extended beyond the simple scale that is used in the auth0 tutorial. Added features include getting the userInfo
and identity
on login.
REQUIRED: Enable RBAC in you application for the full set of features in this app. You can also add the following rule to retrieve more information in your userInfo
function (user, context, callback) {
// please note auth0 will strip any non namespaced properties
const namespace = 'https://YOURDOMAIN.auth0.com';
const assignedRoles = (context.authorization || {}).roles;
let idTokenClaims = context.idToken || {};
idTokenClaims[`${namespace}/roles`] = assignedRoles;
context.idToken = idTokenClaims;
context.idToken[namespace + '/user_metadata'] = user.user_metadata;
context.idToken[namespace + '/app_metadata'] = user.app_metadata;
// namespaced properties are reduced to simple properties by this libary
// so in vue you can access userInfo.app_metadata directly
callback(null, user, context);
Fetching this extra data allows us to extend the basic methods for validating user roles and permissions.
On login $auth.getUserData()
will be triggered
Vue 2 Only
import Vue from "vue";
import { Auth0Plugin } from "@bcwdev/auth0-vue/vue2";
// you will get these from your auth0 dashboard
import { domain, clientId, audience } from "./authconfig";
Vue.use(Auth0Plugin, {
onRedirectCallback: appState => {
appState && appState.targetUrl
? appState.targetUrl
: window.location.pathname
You can access any of the following state properties directly from your vue components using this.$auth
// $auth state
loading: true,
isAuthenticated: false,
user: {},
userInfo: {},
identity: {},
bearer: "",
// $auth methods
* Sets userInfo, identity and bearer
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* Depends on UserData
* @param {string[] | string} permissions
* @returns {boolean}
hasPermissions(permissions) {},
* Depends on UserData
* @param {string[] | string} roles
* @returns {boolean}
hasRoles(roles) {},
Caution: $auth.identity
is easily modifed on the client and therefore cannot be trusted when making server side decisions. Your server should use the bearer token and the auth0 api when handeling requests see @bcwdev/auth0provider
Conditional rendering in vue templates based on roles or permissions can be accomplished directly from the $auth
<div v-if="$auth.hasRoles('admin')">
<p>Only an admin can see me</p>