Colors is JSON with the names of colors, their values and localization. Colors
are based on HTML color names and CSS keywords:
Our goal is not to name all 6 million RGB color variants, but to arrive at a
standard that we can work with in the future. For this reason, HTML
names that
are used in CSS
have been chosen, which gives greater coverage of use cases.
It is impossible to say exactly which standard and which color names should be
used, some colors are perceived differently, others have many aliases - it is
too abstract.
Situation with colors has become quite absurd. Developers are chasing the number
of names, creating a semblance of their own palette, rather than something that
can really give an understanding of color to the user and developer at the same
time. It's easy to write "dark blue", but how will it be different from a unique
color name if without the color itself, we don't know how dark that "blue" is?
Colors tries to get away from abstraction by using a standard, giving
usability with a combination of performance and development at the same time, as
exemplified by the i18n
... No third-party dependencies
(script directory) and ModuleJS
(esm directory) support for
, see NPM page for installation command. Also support for Yarn
other package managers or CDNs like UNPKG
. For Deno
reference see
module page, or use CDN like
is supported, but the example represents ESM
Basic colors
The basic colors are 16 colors defined in the HTML 4.01 specification, ratified
in 1999.
Extended colors
Extended colors are the result of merging specifications from HTML 4.01, CSS
2.0, SVG 1.0 and CSS3 User Interfaces (CSS3 UI).
import { basicColors, colors } from "@chalkpot/test";
/* {
* name: 'grey',
* hex: '#808080',
* rgb: [ 128, 128, 128 ],
* localize: [Function: localize]
* }
/* {
* name: 'darkgrey',
* hex: '#a9a9a9',
* rgb: [ 169, 169, 169 ],
* localize: [Function: localize]
* }
// dark grey
The localization function accepts a locale code: be-BY
, en-US
, ru-RU
, in various formats, such as "enUS" or "enus" or "ru", but it is
recommended to explicitly specify "en-US" with a sensitive case and delimiter
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to
discuss what you would like to change.