Key features
This package layouts text and returns the result as an UInt8Array
of pixels. It supports:
- custom image dimensions
- custom (TrueType) font, font size and color
- text positioning, custom text bounding box
- any combination of vertical and horizontal alignment
The package provides a render
function that returns an UInt8Array
of pixels:
const { readFileSync } = requir("fs");
const { join } = require("path");
const wlt = require("@codepunkt/wasm-layout-text");
const font = readFileSync(join(__dirname, "myfont.ttf"));
const buffer = wlt.render(
// text, size, color, ttf font buffer
new wlt.Text("Hello world", 64, new wlt.RgbColor(91, 214, 123), font),
// image dimension
new wlt.Dimension(1200, 630),
// text bounds
new wlt.Dimensions(1100, 530),
// text position
new wlt.Position(50, 50),
// text alignment
new wlt.Alignment(wlt.HorizontalAlign.Left, wlt.VerticalAlign.Top)
You can then use Jimp or other image processing libraries to
- load this buffer
- combine it with other buffers (such as a background image or additional text generated by this package)
- save to image file
Contributions are welcome! A JavaScript usage example with Jimp is available in the example
There are a few make
tasks, most notably:
make build
: will build rust code from ./src
to JavaScript code in ./pkg
(using wasm-pack)
make node
: executes the example
code with Node.js and uses the local JavaScript package from .pkg
to render all alignment permutations (expects the ./pkg
folder to exist)