Conventional Commits Parser
![Conventional Commits](
Reference implementation of Conventional Commits specification.
Outputs a tree structure based on the
unist specification.
npm i @conventional-commits/parser
const {parser} = require('@conventional-commits/parser')
const ast = parser('feat(parser): add support for scopes')
parser(text: string)
Runs conventional commits parser on the string provided.
toConventionalChangelogFormat(ast: object)
Given an object
, representing the parsed commit messages in unist
returns an object useable by the conventional-changelog ecosystem of libraries.
The Grammar
The parser is based on the following grammar. An effort is made to keep this
in sync with the written specification on
/* See: */
<UTF8-char> ::= "Placeholder for UTF-8 grammar"
<UTF8-octets> ::= <UTF8char>+
<CR> ::= "0x000D"
<LF> ::= "0x000A"
<newline> ::= [<CR>], <LF>
<parens> ::= "(" | ")"
<TAB> ::= "U+0009"
<VT> ::= "U+000B"
<FF> ::= "U+000C"
<SP> ::= "U+0020"
<NBSP> ::= "U+00A0"
/* See: */
<USP> ::= "Any other Unicode 'Space_Separator' code point"
/* Any non-newline whitespace: */
<whitespace> ::= <ZWNBSP> | <TAB> | <VT> | <FF> | <SP> | <NBSP> | <USP>
<message> ::= <summary>, <newline>+, <body>, (<newline>+, <footer>)*
| <summary>, (<newline>+, <footer>)*
| <summary>, <newline>*
/* "!" should be added to the AST as a <breaking-change> node with the value "!" */
<summary> ::= <type>, "(", <scope>, ")", ["!"], ":", <whitespace>*, <text>
| <type>, ["!"], ":", <whitespace>*, <text>
<type> ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline or parens or ":" or "!:" or whitespace>+
<scope> ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline or parens>+
<text> ::= <any UTF8-octets except newline>*
<body> ::= [<any body-text except pre-footer>], <newline>, <body>*
| [<any body-text except pre-footer>]
/* For convenience the <breaking-change>, <separator>, <whitespace>, and
* <text> tokens of <body-text> should be appended as children to <body> */
<body-text> ::= [<breaking-change>, ":", <whitespace>*], text
/* Note: <pre-footer> is used during parsing, but not returned in the AST. */
<pre-footer> ::= <newline>+, <footer>
<footer> ::= <token>, <separator>, <whitespace>*, <value>
/* "!" should be added to the AST as a <breaking-change> node with the value "!" */
<token> ::= <breaking-change>
| <type>, "(" <scope> ")", ["!"]
| <type>, ["!"]
<separator> ::= ":" | " #"
<value> ::= <text>, <continuation>+
| <text>
<continuation> ::= <newline>, <whitespace>+, <text>
<breaking-change> ::= "BREAKING CHANGE" | "BREAKING-CHANGE"