Reason React Router
This is project is based on the great old reroute module.
It's just using the latest Reason React API (hooks & context).
Install the module :
$ yarn add @dck/reason-react-navigation
Then add it to your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["reason-react", "@dck/reason-react-navigation"]
open ReasonReactNavigation;
module RouterConfig = {
type route =
| Home
| Hello(string)
| NotFound;
let routeFromUrl = (url: ReasonReact.Router.url) =>
switch (url.path) {
| [] => Home
| ["hello", name] => Hello(name)
| ["404"]
| _ => NotFound
let routeToUrl = (route: route) =>
switch (route) {
| Home => "/"
| Hello(name) => "/hello/" ++ name
| NotFound => "/404"
module Router = CreateRouter(RouterConfig);
let make = () =>
<a href="#" onClick={e => {
"Home "->React.string
<a href="#" onClick={e => {
"Hello DCK "->React.string
(~currentRoute) =>
switch (currentRoute) {
| RouterConfig.Home => "This is home"
| RouterConfig.Hello(n) => "Hi " ++ n
| _ => "404 not found"
|> React.string
Authentication example
Quick and dirty implementation :
open ReasonReactNavigation;
module Config = {
type route =
| Login
| Dashboard
| NotFound;
let routeToUrl = route =>
switch (route) {
| Login => "/login"
| Dashboard => "/dashboard"
| NotFound => "/404"
let routeFromUrl = (url: ReasonReact.Router.url) =>
switch (url.path) {
| ["login"] => Login
| ["dashboard"] => Dashboard
| _ => NotFound
module Router = CreateRouter(Config);
let make = () => {
let (currentUser, setCurrentUser) = React.useState(() => None);
(~currentRoute) =>
switch (currentRoute, currentUser) {
| (Config.Login, None) => <Login />
| (Config.Login, Some(_)) => <Redirect to_=Config.Dashboard />
| (route, Some(user)) =>
switch (route) {
| Config.Dashboard => <Dashboard user />
| _ => <NotFound />
| (Config.NotFound, _) => <NotFound />
| (_, None) => <Redirect to_=Login />