This library provides a TypeScript mixin that adds observable behavior to a class, allowing observers to listen for changes in properties and trigger effects before or after method calls. The library uses TypeScript's type system to ensure type safety and flexibility.
Table of Contents
You can install the library using npm:
npm install spy
Creating an Observable Class.
To create an observable class, use the Spy mixin function:
import { Spy } from "spy";
class MyClass {
myProperty: string = "initial value";
myMethod() {
console.log("myMethod called");
const ObservableMyClass = Spy(MyClass);
const instance = new ObservableMyClass();
Observing Property Changes
You can observe changes to specific properties or all properties:
instance.observe("myProperty", (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`myProperty changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);
instance.observe("all", (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`A property changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);
Listening to Method Calls
You can add effects to be executed before or after specific method calls:
instance.beforeCalling("myMethod", () => {
console.log("Before myMethod");
instance.afterCalling("myMethod", () => {
console.log("After myMethod");
Removing Observers and Listeners
You can remove the last added observer for a specific property or all properties:
You can also remove a specific observer or listener:
instance.remove("myProperty", observerFunction);
instance.remove("all", observerFunction);
API Reference
The observe method adds an observer for a specific property or all properties.
observe<V extends keyof T | "all">(
prop: V,
effect: V extends "all"
? (data: ExcludeFunction<T[keyof T]>, oldData: ExcludeFunction<T[keyof T]>) => void
: (data: ExcludeFunction<ExtractType<T, V>>, oldData: ExcludeFunction<ExtractType<T, V>>) => void
): void;
The beforeCalling method adds an effect to be executed before a specific method is called.
method: PickFunctionNames<T>,
effect: () => void
): void;
The afterCalling method adds an effect to be executed after a specific method is called.
method: PickFunctionNames<T>,
effect: () => void
): void;
The removeLast method removes the last added observer for a specific property or all properties.
removeLast<V extends keyof T | "all">(
prop: V
): boolean;
The remove method removes a specific observer for a property or all properties.
remove<V extends keyof T | "all">(
prop: V,
effect: (...args: any[]) => unknown,
comparator?: (
registeredMethod: (...args: any[]) => unknown,
toRemoveMethod: (...args: any[]) => unknown
) => boolean
): boolean;