Rewrite occurrences of filenames which have been renamed by gulp-rev
This plugin is an improved and maintained fork of gulp-rev-replace.
npm install gulp-rev-rewrite --save-dev
Only LTS and current releases of Node are supported.
Pipe through a stream with both the revved files and the files containing references to them.
const gulp = require('gulp');
const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const rev = require('gulp-rev');
const revRewrite = require('gulp-rev-rewrite');
gulp.task('rev', () => {
const assetFilter = filter(['**/*', '!**/index.html'], { restore: true });
return gulp.src('src/**')
.pipe(rev()) // Rename all files except index.html
.pipe(revRewrite()) // Substitute in new filenames
It is also possible to collect the revisioned filenames from JSON manifests written out by gulp-rev
. This allows for replacing filenames that were revved prior to the current task.
const rev = require('gulp-rev');
const revRewrite = require('gulp-rev-rewrite');
const revDelete = require('gulp-rev-delete-original');
gulp.task('revision', ['dist:css', 'dist:js'], () => {
return gulp.src('dist/**/*.{css,js}')
.pipe(revDelete()) // Remove the unrevved files
gulp.task('revRewrite', ['revision'], function() {
const manifest = gulp.src('dist/rev-manifest.json');
return gulp.src('dist/index.html')
.pipe(revRewrite({ manifest }))
Type: Object
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Use canonical URIs when replacing filePaths, i.e. use a forward slash (/
) as the path segment seperator.
Type: Array
Default: ['.js', '.css', '.html', '.hbs']
Only substitute in new filenames in files of these types.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Replace relative files like url(../image/foo.jpg)
in files with reved filename.
Type: String
Add a prefix to each replacement.
Type: Stream
(e.g., gulp.src()
Read JSON manifests written out by rev
. Allows replacing filenames that were
revved prior to the current task.
modifyUnreved, modifyReved
Type: Function
Modify the name of the unreved/reved files before using them. The function receives the unreved/reved filename as the first argument, and the Vinyl object of the current file as the optional second argument.
For example, if in your manifest you have:
{"js/": "js/"}
If you wanted to get rid of the js/
path just for .map
files (because they
are sourcemaps and the references to them are relative, not absolute) you could
do the following:
function replaceJsIfMap(filename) {
if (filename.includes('.map')) {
return filename.replace('js/', '');
return filename;
return gulp.src('dist/**/*.js')
manifest: manifest,
modifyUnreved: replaceJsIfMap,
modifyReved: replaceJsIfMap
MIT © James K Nelson, Thomas Vantuycom