A Svelte component which can do OpenID Connect Discovery.
It is useful to check where a solid webId is being authenticated with a OpenID Connect Identity Provider.
This works by reading the contents of /.well-known/openid-configuration as defined in https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfig.
This component can be used to help application developers guide users to set their webId url, for a quick validation on input. It should make it easier to set up a webID-based login for solid applications with svelte / sveltekit.
Try https://webid.fet.li/webid-check.
Note: check the console if you want to see the result after clicking on "set".
Example usage
import WebIdCheck from '@hexagon6/svelte-solid-webid-check'
let validOIDCEndpoint = ''
on:valid-oidc-endpoint={({ detail: { oidcEndpoint } }) => {
validOIDCEndpoint = oidcEndpoint
}}><span slot="confirm">show</span></WebIdCheck
Your solid webId oidc authentication endpoint is {validOIDCEndpoint}
For more examples check out this repo and check out histoire with npm run story:dev
or a sveltekit example with npm run dev