Object Store
by Nicholas C. Zakas
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An implementation of an in-memory object store modeled on cloud drives like Google Drive. This is useful mostly for testing purposes.
Install using [npm][npm] or [yarn][yarn]:
npm install @humanwhocodes/object-store
# or
yarn add @humanwhocodes/object-store
Import into your Node.js project:
// CommonJS
const { ObjectStore } = require("@humanwhocodes/object-store");
// ESM
import { ObjectStore } from "@humanwhocodes/object-store";
Install using JSR:
deno add @humanwhocodes/object-store
jsr add @humanwhocodes/object-store
Then import into your Deno project:
import { ObjectStore } from "@humanwhocodes/object-store";
Install using this command:
bun add @humanwhocodes/object-store
Import into your Bun project:
import { ObjectStore } from "@humanwhocodes/object-store";
It's recommended to import the minified version to save bandwidth:
import { ObjectStore } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanwhocodes/object-store?min";
However, you can also import the unminified version for debugging purposes:
import { ObjectStore } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@humanwhocodes/object-store";
Creating Files
const store = new ObjectStore();
const file = store.createFile("foo.txt", { content: "Foo", parentId: "folder_id" });
id: "file_id",
name: "foo.txt",
type: "file",
parent_id: "parent_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
Note: When parentId
is omitted, the root folder is used.
Copying Files
const store = new ObjectStore();
const file = store.createFile("foo.txt", { content: "Foo", parentId: "folder_id" });
const copiedFile = store.copyFile(file.id, { parentId: "some_other_folder_id", name: "bar.txt"});
id: "copy-file-id",
name: "bar.txt",
type: "file",
parent_id: "some_other_folder_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z"
Note: name
is optional. When parentId
is not specified, the ID of the original's parent is used.
Moving/Renaming Files
const store = new ObjectStore();
const file = store.createFile("foo.txt", { content: "Foo", parentId: "folder_id" });
const updatedFile = store.updateFile(file.id, { parentId: "some_other_folder_id", name: "bar.txt"});
id: "file-id",
name: "bar.txt",
type: "file",
parent_id: "some_other_folder_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z"
Note: Both name
and parentId
are optional.
Retrieving Files
const store = new ObjectStore();
const file = store.createFile("foo.txt", { content: "Foo" });
const retrievedFile = store.getFile(file.id);
id: "file_id",
name: "foo.txt",
type: "file",
parent_id: "parent_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
Retrieving File Content
const store = new ObjectStore();
const file = store.createFile("foo.txt", { content: "Foo" });
const content = store.getFileContent(file.id);
console.log(content); // "Foo"
Deleting Files
const store = new ObjectStore();
const file = store.createFile("foo.txt", { content: "Foo" });
Creating Folders
const store = new ObjectStore();
const folder = store.createFolder("my-folder", { parentId: "parent_folder_id" });
id: "folder_id",
name: "my-folder",
type: "folder",
parent_id: "parent_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
entries: []
Note: When parentId
is omitted, the root folder is used.
Copying Folders
const store = new ObjectStore();
const folder = store.createFolder("my-folder", { parentId: "parent_folder_id" });
const copiedFolder = store.copyFolder(folder.id, { parentId: "some_other_folder_id", name: "my-folder-copy"});
id: "folder_copy_id",
name: "my-folder-copy",
type: "folder",
parent_id: "some_other_folder_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
entries: []
Note: name
is optional. When parentId
is not specified, the ID of the original's parent is used.
Moving/Renaming Folders
const store = new ObjectStore();
const folder = store.createFolder("my-folder", { parentId: "parent_folder_id" });
const updatedFolder = store.updateFolder(file.id, { parentId: "some_other_folder_id", name: "my-new-name"});
id: "folder_id",
name: "my-new-name",
type: "folder",
parent_id: "some_other_folder_id",
created_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
modified_at: "2022-10-20T12:00:00Z",
entries: []
Deleting Folders
const store = new ObjectStore();
const folder = store.createFolder("my-folder");
Developer Setup
- Fork the repository
- Clone your fork
- Run
npm install
to setup dependencies
- Run
npm test
to run tests
Apache 2.0