This is an API created to make ip-location-api available for browsers.
The database itself is large at 7MB, so it is splitted into over 2000 pieces for fast downloading in a browser.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@iplookup/country/iplookup.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ip = ""
var location = await IpLookup(ip)
console.log(location) // {country: 'FR'}
import IpLookup from '@iplookup/country'
await IpLookup("2402:b801:ea8b:23c0::")
const IpLookup = require('@iplookup/country')
await IpLookup("")
If you need extra information about country, try to use @iplookup/country-extra.
Since each user download a partial database, we use the CC0 Licensed database geo-whois-asn-country for ip to country mapping to avoid license problem.
The software itself is published under MIT License by sapics.