Vue 3 dropzone component
Customizable easy to use dropzone | Only supported for vue3
About the Project
the features of this package include the following:
- Highly customizable
- Lightweight, powerful and easy to use <g-emoji class="g-emoji" alias="smile"
- Provides with image preview, multiple state like error success and disable, etc...
- Install Yarn package
1yarn add @jaxtheprime/vue3-dropzone
- Install NPM package
1npm install @jaxtheprime/vue3-dropzone
Local registration:
1<template> 2 <Vue3Dropzone v-model="files"/> 3</template> 4 5<script> 6 import Vue3Dropzone from "@jaxtheprime/vue3-dropzone"; 7 import '@jaxtheprime/vue3-dropzone/dist/style.css' 8 9 const files = ref([]) 10 }; 11</script>
Prop | Type | Default | Note |
modelValue | Array | [] | 2 way binding ref |
multiple | Boolean | false | Makes dropzone accept multiple files |
previews | Array | [] | Preview images links (works with mode props) |
mode | string | drop | Defines dropzone functionality to accept drops or just preview images |
disabled | Boolean | false | Disables the whole dropzone |
accept | String | undefined | Accepted type of files |
maxFileSize | Number | 5 | Max file size in Megabytes |
maxFiles | Number | 5 | Max files accepted by dropzone |
width | Number String | undefined | Dropzone container width |
height | Number String | undefined | Dropzone container height |
imgWidth | Number String | undefined | Preview images width |
imgHeight | Number String | undefined | Preview images height |
previewWrapperClasses | String | undefined | Preview images container classes |
showSelectButton | Boolean | true | Select files button in the dropzone |
selectFileStrategy | String | 'replace' | Defines selecting file strategy (replace, merge) |
Prop | Data Type | Note |
error | Array | Emits the error event and also provides data to know which files caused the error |
Name | data |
button | fileInput |
preview | data |
description | undefined |
placeholder-img | undefined |
title | undefined |
Css variables
Name | Value |
--v3-dropzone--primary | 94, 112, 210 |
--v3-dropzone--border | 214, 216, 220 |
--v3-dropzone--description | 190, 191, 195 |
--v3-dropzone--overlay | 40, 44, 53 |
--v3-dropzone--overlay-opacity | 0.3 |
--v3-dropzone--error | 255, 76, 81 |
--v3-dropzone--success | 36, 179, 100 |
Emad Moghimi
Project Link: