Matching Bytes
a library that takes two files as an input and finds any matching patterns of bytes between them (Can be very very slow)
Global usage
npm i -g @juigorg/mollitia-sint
@juigorg/mollitia-sint ./test/sample-images/midjourney1.webp ./test/sample-images/midjourney2.webp --bytesToRead 9999 --minOccurance 4 --showProgress --ignoreAllZeroes true --ignoreAllOnes true --ignoreAllJustZeroesAndOnes true
API usage
npm i @juigorg/mollitia-sint --save
const matchingBytes = require('@juigorg/mollitia-sint');
const data = await matchingBytes.findBytes(
/* Default options: */
showProgress: false,
minOccurance: 4,
bytesToRead: 1200, // leave null if you want to read the full file
ignoreAllZeroes: true, // ignores patterns that are all 0's
ignoreAllOnes: true, // ignores patterns that are all 1's
ignoreAllJustZeroesAndOnes: true, // ignores patterns that are only 1's and 0's
// Looking for matching bytes (1200) in ./test/sample-images/midjourney1.webp and ./test/sample-images/midjourney1.webp...
// ======================================== 100% 0.0s
======================================== 100% 0.0s
{ sequence: [ '52', '49', '46', '46' ], index1: 0, index2: 0 },
{ sequence: [45', '42', '50', '56', '50', '38', '4C'], index1: 9, index2: 9 },
{ sequence: [ '2E', '82', '8B', '0', '8D', '48' ], index1: 21, index2: 21 }
In the example above, we see the first two sequence occurrances correspond to the WEBP magic number, but the third one seems to occur in all upscaled images from midjourney.