Lacework fork of react-structured-filter@1.0.0
This could be a single script in package.json, but I figured being explicit is better to catch issues. And we will
probably never release another version.
Build for production
npm run build
Bump the version number. This uses the preid format so we have an obvious link to the source docs and code if neede
npm version prerelease --no-git-tag-version
npm publish --access public --tag latest
Commit and push changes to package-lock.json and package.json
react-structured-filter (unmaintained)
react-structured-filter is a javascript library that provides autocomplete faceted search queries.
This was inspired by visualsearch and
structured-filter but redone for
It is heavily based on react-typeahead and uses some modified code from
It was developed to be used with Griddle,
but should be usable with fixed-data-table.
It is used by Summit Route internally for analyzing our data.
We needed an interface to provide advanced querying capabilities.
Be aware that it might be confusing to your users and queries can be constructed that may not be performant on your dataset.
The demo provided uses static data sent down to the client.
You should poll data from a server and do filtering on a real database.
Check out the docs and demo
BSD License