A javascript-only (esm/cjs) base64 codec that is abstract-encoding compatible,
well-tested and pretty efficient. Bonus: It doesn't use Nodejs' Buffer object
and comes with typescript types.
import { base64 } from '@leichtgewicht/base64-codec' // require works too!
const str = 'AA=='
const bytes = base64.encode(
new Uint8Array(base64.encodingLength(str)), // own buffer supplied, optional
0 // offset, at which to write the str, optional
str === base64.decode(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
URL Support
Use base64URL
for de-/encoding for the URL variant of base64.
import { base64URL } from '@leichtgewicht/base64-codec'
Concatenated Buffer
For performance reasons, this codec does not support concatenated
base64 strings.
If you need to encode concatenated strings, split them before passing them to this codec.
There are plenty of base64 implementations on NPM, but when looking into
them there was none with cjs/esm support that offered positional encoding
and bringing one owns buffer.