provides the Solidjs bindings for Project Fluent.
This code is hightly inspired by @fluent/react as a matter of fact this usage is almost the same.
Quick start
Install it:
npm i @llelievr.dev/solid-fluent @fluent/bundle
# or
yarn add @llelievr.dev/solid-fluent @fluent/bundle
# or
pnpm add @llelievr.dev/solid-fluent @fluent/bundle
Use it:
import { createSignal, ParentComponent, type Component } from 'solid-js'
import { FluentProvider, Localized, useFluent } from '@llelievr.dev/solid-fluent'
import { FluentBundle, FluentResource } from '@fluent/bundle'
const DirectString: Component = () => {
// you can access fluent translations from the useFluent hook
const fluent = useFluent()
return <>{fluent.getString('welcome', { name: 'Test' })()}</>
const Bold: ParentComponent = props => (
<div style={{ background: 'red', display: 'inline-block' }}>{props.children}</div>
const App: Component = () => {
// Load your resources, using @fluent/bundle
let resource = new FluentResource(`
-brand-name = Foo 3000
welcome = Welcome, {$name}, to {-brand-name}!
elements =
.placeholder = I am a placehoder
.alt = I am a alt
markups = <b>I am bold</b> WOW
let resourceFR = new FluentResource(`
-brand-name = Foo 3000
welcome = bienvenue {$name}, sur {-brand-name}!
elements =
.placeholder = Je suis un example
.alt = I suis une indication
markups = <b>je suis en gras</b> WOW
let bundle = new FluentBundle('en-US')
// Attach the resource to a bundle
let bundleFR = new FluentBundle('fr-FR')
let [currentBundle, setBundle] = createSignal<FluentBundle>(bundle)
let lang = 0
const randomLang = () => {
const bundles = [bundle, bundleFR]
setBundle(bundles.at(lang++ % bundles.length) ?? bundle)
return (
/* provide the a bundle to the fluent provider */
<FluentProvider bundle={currentBundle()}>
<button onClick={() => randomLang()}>Random lang</button>
{/* use the Localized to directly replace attributes or div content with your translation keys */}
<Localized id="elements" vars={{ name: 'test' }} attrs={{ placeholder: true }}>
<input type="text" placeholder="temp" alt="super alt" />
<Localized id="markups" elems={{ b: <Bold></Bold> }}></Localized>
<Localized id="markups" elems={{ b: <Bold></Bold> }}>
<div>placeholder that will be replace by the markups content</div>
export default App