
A tiny (414B) and fast utility to convert milliseconds to and from strings.
NOTICE: This is a fork of vercel/ms!
In June 2019, I opened a PR with signficiant performance and code size improvements. After nearly 2 years of silence, it was eventually closed. :cry: A year into my wait, I started anew (this repo), hoping to improve upon my own improvements.
This module is delivered as:
$ npm install --save @lukeed/ms
import { parse, format } from '@lukeed/ms';
// string => number
parse('2 days'); //=> 172800000
parse('1d'); //=> 86400000
parse('10h'); //=> 36000000
parse('2.5 hrs'); //=> 9000000
parse('2h'); //=> 7200000
parse('1m'); //=> 60000
parse('5s'); //=> 5000
parse('1y'); //=> 31557600000
parse('100'); //=> 100
parse('-3 days'); //=> -259200000
parse('-1h'); //=> -3600000
parse('-200'); //=> -200
// number => string
format(60000); //=> '1m'
format(2 * 60000); //=> '2m'
format(-3 * 60000); //=> '-3m'
format(parse('10 hours')); //=> '10h'
// number => string (long)
format(60000, true); //=> '1 minute'
format(2 * 60000, true); //=> '2 minutes'
format(-3 * 60000, true); //=> '-3 minutes'
format(parse('10 hours'), true); //=> '10 hours'
Returns: Number
Parses the input string, returning the number of milliseconds.
Type: String
The human-readable time string; eg: 10min
, 10m
, 10 minutes
ms.format(milli, long?)
Returns: Number
Formats the millisecond count to a human-readable time string.
Important: The output will be rounded to the nearest whole integer.
Type: Number
The number of milliseconds.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Whether or not the output should use the interval's long/full form; eg hour
or hours
instead of h
Note: When long
, the count and interval will be separated by a single space.
Also, when long
, the interval may be pluralized; eg 1 second
vs 2 seconds
Running on Node.js v12.18.4
Validation :: parse
✔ lukeed/ms
✔ zeit/ms
Benchmark :: "parse"
lukeed/ms x 351,319 ops/sec ±0.31% (96 runs sampled)
zeit/ms x 245,576 ops/sec ±1.66% (94 runs sampled)
Benchmark :: "parse" (long)
lukeed/ms x 335,538 ops/sec ±0.50% (94 runs sampled)
zeit/ms x 265,410 ops/sec ±1.72% (95 runs sampled)
Validation :: format
✔ lukeed/ms
✔ zeit/ms
Benchmark :: "format"
lukeed/ms x 4,109,440 ops/sec ±0.35% (94 runs sampled)
zeit/ms x 3,420,198 ops/sec ±1.61% (94 runs sampled)
Benchmark :: "format" (long)
lukeed/ms x 3,402,872 ops/sec ±0.14% (97 runs sampled)
zeit/ms x 1,344,908 ops/sec ±3.68% (96 runs sampled)
This is obviously a fork of zeit/ms.
I opened a PR in June 2019 that introduced significant performance gains and code reduction — it was ignored for nearly two years. This repository is a from-scratch re-implementation that takes the goals of that PR a bit further.
MIT © Luke Edwards