Provides helper functions to manipulate meta tags, titles and JsonLD microdata. Much of the code is based on
the ngx-seo package.
npm install @ngxuniversaltools/seo
Add the following to your app.module.ts
import {SeoModule} from '@ngxuniversaltools/seo';
imports: [
In Standalone projects you can simply use SeoService
without importing the module.
Add the directive to every instance of <router-outlet>
in your application:
<router-outlet seoOutlet></router-outlet>
Setting title and meta tags
The SeoService
provides methods to set different properties:
setTitle(title: string)
- Sets the title of the page
setJsonLd(jsonLd: JsonLd[])
- Sets the JsonLD microdata.
setMeta(name: string, content: string)
- Sets a meta tag with the given name and content. Overwrites existing meta
tags with the same name if present.
setMetas(values: { [ key: string ]: string })
- Allows settings multiple meta tags at once
Using PageAbstract
This opinionated part of the library can be used to allow components to easily provide metadata for the page. The
declared in your route should extend the PageAbstract
class and override properties when applicable. Finally you can
use @ngrx/effects
to subscribe to the page$
observable and set the title and meta tags.
path: "category",
component: CategoryComponent,
Your component should look like this:
import {PageAbstract} from '@ngxuniversaltools/seo';
import {of} from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-category',
templateUrl: './category.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./category.component.scss']
export class CategoryComponent extends PageAbstract {
title = of('Category'); // Simple static title
description = this.translate.get("category.description"); // Translated description
You must create subscribers to actually set the title and meta tags. If you use @ngrx/effects
this can be easily
export class PageEffects {
title$ = createEffect(() => this.seo.page$.pipe(
switchMap(page => page?.title || of("")),
map(title => title ? [title, "My cool website"].join(" | ") : "My cool website"),
tap(({title}) => this.seo.setTitle(title))
), {dispatch: false});
constructor (private seo: SeoService) {
Extending PageAbstract
You may need additional properties to be controlled by the page component. This can be achieved by creating your own
PageAbstract class:
export class MyAppPageAbstract extends PageAbstract {
image = of("https://example.com/image.png");
export class CategoryComponent extends MyAppPageAbstract {
title = of('Category'); // Simple static title
description = this.translate.get("category.description"); // Translated description
image = this.api.getFirstPost().pipe(map => map.image); // Dynamic image
Finally add an effect to set og:image meta tags:
export class PageEffects {
image$ = createEffect(() => this.seo.page$.pipe(
switchMap(page => page?.image || of("")),
tap(image => this.seo.setMetas({
"og:image": image?.url || null,
"og:image:alt": image?.alt || null,
"og:image:width": image?.width ? image.width.toString() : null,
"og:image:height": image?.height ? image.height.toString() : null,
), {dispatch: false});
constructor (private seo: SeoService<MyAppPageAbstract>) {
Pay attention to the constructor of the effect. You must provide the type of your custom PageAbstract class when
importing SeoService.