Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
npm install @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
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This project provides a CDK construct to execute jobs on auto-scaled EC2 instances using the Docker Machine executor.
Running out of Runner minutes, using Docker-in-Docker (dind), speed up jobs with shared S3 Cache, cross compiling/building environment multiarch, cost effective autoscaling on EC2, deploy directly from AWS accounts (without AWS Access Key), running on Spot instances, having a bigger build log size
1npm install @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
1yarn add @pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
1pip install pepperize.cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner
dotnet add package Pepperize.CDK.AutoscalingGitlabRunner
1<dependency> 2 <groupId>com.pepperize</groupId> 3 <artifactId>cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner</artifactId> 4 <version>${cdkAutoscalingGitlabRunner.version}</version> 5</dependency>
Create a new AWS CDK App in TypeScript with projen
1mkdir gitlab-runner 2cd gitlab-runner 3git init 4npx projen new awscdk-app-ts
Configure your project in .projenrc.js
deps: ["@pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner"],
Update project files and install dependencies
1npx projen
Register a new runner
Optionally enable: Run untagged jobs [x] Indicates whether this runner can pick jobs without tags
Retrieve a new runner authentication token
1curl --request POST "" --form "token=<your register token>" --form "description=gitlab-runner" --form "tag_list=pepperize,docker,production"
Store runner authentication token in SSM ParameterStore
1aws ssm put-parameter --name "/gitlab-runner/token" --value "<your runner authentication token>" --type "String"
Add to your main.ts
1import { Vpc } from "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2"; 2import { App, Stack } from "@aws-cdk/core"; 3import { GitlabRunnerAutoscaling } from "@pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner"; 4 5const app = new App(); 6const stack = new Stack(app, "GitLabRunnerStack"); 7const vpc = Vpc.fromLookup(app, "ExistingVpc", { 8 vpcId: "<your vpc id>", 9}); 10const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 11 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 12}); 13new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(stack, "GitlabRunner", { 14 network: { 15 vpc: vpc, 16 }, 17 runners: [ 18 { 19 token: token, 20 configuration: { 21 // optionally configure your runner 22 }, 23 }, 24 ], 25});
Create service linked role
(If requesting spot instances, default: true)
1aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
Configure the AWS CLI
Deploy the GitLab Runner
1npm run deploy
By default, an AWS S3 Bucket is created as GitLab Runner's distributed cache. It's encrypted and public access is blocked. A custom S3 Bucket can be configured:
1const cache = new Bucket(this, "Cache", { 2 // Your custom bucket 3}); 4const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 5 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 6}); 7 8new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 9 runners: [ 10 { 11 token: token, 12 }, 13 ], 14 cache: { bucket: cache }, 15});
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingCacheProps
By default, the amazonec2 driver will create an EC2 key pair for each runner. To use custom ssh credentials provide a SecretsManager Secret with the private and public key file:
Create a key pair, download the private key file and remember the created key pair name
Generate the public key file
ssh-keygen -f <the downloaded private key file> -y
Create an AWS SecretsManager Secret from the key pair
1aws secretsmanager create-secret --name <the secret name> --secret-string "{\"<the key pair name>\":\"<the private key>\",\"<the key pair name>.pub\":\"<the public key>\"}"
Configure the job runner
1const keyPair = Secret.fromSecretNameV2(stack, "Secret", "CustomEC2KeyPair"); 2 3new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 4 runners: [ 5 { 6 keyPair: keyPair, 7 configuration: { 8 machine: { 9 machineOptions: { 10 keypairName: "<the key pair name>", 11 }, 12 }, 13 }, 14 }, 15 ], 16 cache: { bucket: cache }, 17});
By default, docker machine is configured to run privileged with CAP_SYS_ADMIN
to support Docker-in-Docker using the OverlayFS driver
and cross compiling/building with multiarch.
See runners.docker section in Advanced configuration
1import { GitlabRunnerAutoscaling } from "@pepperize/cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner"; 2import { StringParameter } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-ssm"; 3 4const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 5 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 6}); 7 8new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 9 runners: [ 10 { 11 token: token, 12 configuration: { 13 environment: [], // Reset the OverlayFS driver for every project 14 docker: { 15 capAdd: [], // Remove the CAP_SYS_ADMIN 16 privileged: false, // Run unprivileged 17 }, 18 machine: { 19 idleCount: 2, // Number of idle machine 20 idleTime: 3000, // Waiting time in idle state 21 maxBuilds: 1, // Max builds before instance is removed 22 }, 23 }, 24 }, 25 ], 26});
See example, DockerConfiguration
By default, t3.nano is used for the manager/coordinator and t3.micro instances will be spawned. For bigger projects, for example with webpack, this won't be enough memory.
1const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 2 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 3}); 4 5new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 6 manager: { 7 instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.SMALL), 8 }, 9 runners: [ 10 { 11 instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.LARGE), 12 token: token, 13 configuration: { 14 // optionally configure your runner 15 }, 16 }, 17 ], 18});
You may have to disable or configure Spot instances
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingManagerProps, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingJobRunnerProps
By default, the latest Amazon 2 Linux will be used for the manager/coordinator. The manager/coordinator instance's cloud init scripts requires yum is installed, any RHEL flavor should work. The requested runner instances by default using Ubuntu 20.04, any OS implemented by the Docker Machine provisioner should work.
1const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 2 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 3}); 4 5new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 6 manager: { 7 machineImage: MachineImage.genericLinux(managerAmiMap), 8 }, 9 runners: [ 10 { 11 machineImage: MachineImage.genericLinux(runnerAmiMap), 12 token: token, 13 configuration: { 14 // optionally configure your runner 15 }, 16 }, 17 ], 18});
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingManagerProps, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingJobRunnerProps
Each runner defines one [[runners]]
section in the configuration file.
Use Specific runners when you want to use runners for specific projects.
1const privilegedRole = new Role(this, "PrivilegedRunnersRole", { 2 // role 1 3}); 4 5const restrictedRole = new Role(this, "RestrictedRunnersRole", { 6 // role 2 7}); 8 9const token1 = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token1", { 10 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token1", 11}); 12 13const token2 = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token2", { 14 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token2", 15}); 16 17new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 18 runners: [ 19 { 20 token: token1, 21 configuration: { 22 name: "privileged-runner", 23 }, 24 role: privilegedRole, 25 }, 26 { 27 token: token2, 28 configuration: { 29 name: "restricted-runner", 30 docker: { 31 privileged: false, // Run unprivileged 32 }, 33 }, 34 role: restrictedRole, 35 }, 36 ], 37});
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps
By default, EC2 Spot Instances are requested.
1const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 2 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 3}); 4 5new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 6 runners: [ 7 { 8 token: token, 9 configuration: { 10 machine: { 11 machineOptions: { 12 requestSpotInstance: false, 13 spotPrice: 0.5, 14 }, 15 }, 16 }, 17 }, 18 ], 19});
See example, EC2 spot price, MachineConfiguration, MachineOptions, Advanced configuration - runners.machine.autoscaling
To build binaries of different architectures can also use Multiarch
1const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 2 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 3}); 4 5new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 6 runners: [ 7 { 8 token: token, 9 configuration: { 10 docker: { 11 privileged: true, 12 }, 13 }, 14 }, 15 ], 16});
Configure your .gitlab-ci.yml file
1build: 2 image: multiarch/debian-debootstrap:armhf-buster 3 services: 4 - docker:stable-dind 5 - name: multiarch/qemu-user-static:register 6 command: 7 - "--reset" 8 script: 9 - make build
See multiarch/qemu-user-static
To run your jobs on AWS Graviton you have to provide an AMI for arm64 architecture.
1const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 2 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 3}); 4 5new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 6 runners: [ 7 { 8 token: token, 9 configuration: { 10 instanceType: InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.M6G, InstanceSize.LARGE), 11 machineImage: MachineImage.genericLinux({ 12 [this.region]: new LookupMachineImage({ 13 name: "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-*-server-*", 14 owners: ["099720109477"], 15 filters: { 16 architecture: [InstanceArchitecture.ARM_64], 17 "image-type": ["machine"], 18 state: ["available"], 19 "root-device-type": ["ebs"], 20 "virtualization-type": ["hvm"], 21 }, 22 }).getImage(this).imageId, 23 }), 24 }, 25 }, 26 ], 27});
See Ubuntu Amazon EC2 AMI Locator
To deploy from within your GitLab Runner Instances, you may pass a Role with the IAM Policies attached.
1const role = new Role(this, "RunnersRole", { 2 assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal("", {}), 3 inlinePolicies: {}, 4}); 5const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 6 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 7}); 8 9new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 10 runners: [ 11 { 12 role: role, 13 token: token, 14 configuration: { 15 // optionally configure your runner 16 }, 17 }, 18 ], 19});
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps
If no existing Vpc is passed, a cheap VPC with a NatInstance (t3.nano) and a single AZ will be created.
1const natInstanceProvider = aws_ec2.NatProvider.instance({ 2 instanceType: aws_ec2.InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.T3, InstanceSize.NANO), // using a cheaper gateway (not scalable) 3}); 4const vpc = new Vpc(this, "Vpc", { 5 // Your custom vpc, i.e.: 6 natGatewayProvider: natInstanceProvider, 7 maxAzs: 1, 8}); 9 10const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 11 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 12}); 13 14new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 15 runners: [ 16 { 17 token: token, 18 configuration: { 19 // optionally configure your runner 20 }, 21 }, 22 ], 23 network: { vpc: vpc }, 24});
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps
Deploys the Autoscaling GitLab Runner on AWS EC2 with the default settings mentioned above.
Happy with the presets?
1const token = StringParameter.fromStringParameterAttributes(stack, "Token", { 2 parameterName: "/gitlab-runner/token", 3}); 4 5new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 6 runners: [ 7 { 8 token: token, 9 configuration: { 10 // optionally configure your runner 11 }, 12 }, 13 ], 14});
See example, GitlabRunnerAutoscalingProps
By default, the GitLab amzonec2 driver will be configured to install the amazon-ecr-credential-helper on the runner's instances.
To configure, override the default job runners environment:
1new GitlabRunnerAutoscaling(this, "Runner", { 2 runners: [ 3 { 4 // ... 5 environment: [ 6 "DOCKER_DRIVER=overlay2", 7 "DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs", 8 'DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG={"credHelpers": { "": "ecr-login", "<aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>": "ecr-login" } }', 9 ], 10 }, 11 ], 12});
This project uses projen to maintain project configuration through code. Thus, the synthesized files with projen should never be manually edited (in fact, projen enforces that).
To modify the project setup, you should interact with rich strongly-typed
class AwsCdkTypeScriptApp and
execute npx projen
to update project configuration files.
In simple words, developers can only modify
file for configuration/maintenance and files under/src
directory for development.
See also Create and Publish CDK Constructs Using projen and jsii.
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Last Scanned on 2024-12-23
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