Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @quarterfall/parseidon
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for @quarterfall/parseidon
Knex.js based query builder to interpret design patterns in MermaidJS.
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Knex.js based query builder to interpret design patterns in MermaidJS.
You can try out the ParseidonJS node module at the link below!
The database includes 4 tables, as shown in the diagram before. This database is queried to check for design patterns and relations in the class diagram.
1 classDiagram 2direction LR 3Relations "1" --> "2" Classes 4Classes "1" --> "0..*" Members 5Classes "1" --> "0..*" Methods 6class Relations { 7int id 8String first_class 9String relation 10String second_class 11} 12class Classes { 13String id 14int[] members 15int[] methods 16String type 17} 18class Members { 19int id 20String type 21String name 22String accessibility 23String classifier 24} 25class Methods { 26int id 27String returnType 28String name 29String parameters 30String accessibility 31String classifier 32}
For the moment, ParseidonJS supports these design patterns software design patterns:
1 classDiagram 2 Animal <|-- Duck 3 Animal <|-- Fish 4 Animal <|-- Zebra 5 Singleton --> Singleton 6 Animal : +int age 7 Animal : +String gender 8 Animal: +isMammal() 9 Animal: +mate() 10 class Duck{ 11 +String beakColor 12 +swim() 13 +quack() 14 } 15 class Fish{ 16 -int sizeInFeet 17 -canEat() 18 } 19 class Zebra{ 20 +bool is_wild 21 +run() 22 } 23 class Singleton{ 24 -Singleton singleton$ 25 -Singleton() 26 +getInstance()$ Singleton 27 }
Animal <|-- Duck
Animal <|-- Fish
Animal <|-- Zebra
Singleton --> Singleton
Animal : +int age
Animal : +String gender
Animal: +isMammal()
Animal: +mate()
class Duck{
+String beakColor
class Fish{
-int sizeInFeet
class Zebra{
+bool is_wild
class Singleton{
-Singleton singleton$
+getInstance()$ Singleton
1 classDiagram 2direction RL 3 class Dialog { 4 <<abstract>> 5 +render() 6 +createButton()* Button 7 } 8 class Button { 9 <<interface>> 10 +render() 11 +onClick() 12 } 13 class WindowsDialog { 14 +createButton(): Button 15 } 16WindowsDialog --|> Dialog 17WindowsButton ..|> Button 18Dialog --> Button
direction RL
class Dialog {
+createButton()* Button
class Button {
class WindowsDialog {
+createButton(): Button
WindowsDialog --|> Dialog
WindowsButton ..|> Button
Dialog --> Button
1 classDiagram 2Context o-- Strategy 3Context --> Strategy 4ConcreteStrategy ..|> Strategy 5class Strategy { 6<<interface>> 7+execute(data) 8} 9class ConcreteStrategy { 10+execute(data) 11} 12class Context { 13-Strategy strategy 14+setStrategy(strategy) 15+doSomething() 16}
Context o-- Strategy
Context --> Strategy
ConcreteStrategy ..|> Strategy
class Strategy{
class ConcreteStrategy{
class Context{
-Strategy strategy
1 classDiagram 2SquarePegAdapter ..|> RoundPeg 3SquarePegAdapter --> SquarePeg 4 5class SquarePegAdapter{ 6-SquarePeg peg 7+SquarePegAdapter(SquarePeg peg) 8+getRadius() int 9} 10class SquarePeg{ 11-int width 12+SquarePeg(int width) 13+getWidth() int 14} 15class RoundPeg{ 16<<interface>> 17+getRadius() int 18}
SquarePegAdapter ..|> RoundPeg
SquarePegAdapter --> SquarePeg
class SquarePegAdapter{
-SquarePeg peg
+SquarePegAdapter(SquarePeg peg)
+getRadius() int
class SquarePeg{
-int width
+SquarePeg(int width)
+getWidth() int
class RoundPeg{
+getRadius() int
1 classDiagram 2Dot ..|> Graphic 3CompoundGraphic ..|> Graphic 4class Graphic { 5<<interface>> 6+move(int x,int y) 7+draw() 8} 9class Dot { 10+Dot(int x, int y) 11+move(int x, int y) 12+draw() 13} 14class CompoundGraphic { 15-Graphic[] children 16+add(Graphic child) 17+remove(Graphic child) 18+move(int x, int y) 19+draw() 20}
Dot ..|> Graphic
CompoundGraphic ..|> Graphic
class Graphic {
+move(int x,int y)
class Dot {
+Dot(int x, int y)
+move(int x, int y)
class CompoundGraphic {
-Graphic[] children
+add(Graphic child)
+remove(Graphic child)
+move(int x, int y)
1 classDiagram 2 class ThirdPartyYTLib{ 3 +listVideos() 4 +getVideoInfo(id) 5 +downloadVideo(id) 6 } 7 class CachedYTClass{ 8 -ThirdPartyYTClass service 9 +CachedYTClass(ThirdPartyYTClass s) 10 +listVideos() 11 +getVideoInfo(id) 12 +downloadVideo(id) 13 } 14 class ThirdPartyYTClass{ 15 +listVideos() 16 +getVideoInfo(id) 17 +downloadVideo(id) 18 } 19 CachedYTClass ..|> ThirdPartyYTLib 20 ThirdPartyYTClass ..|> ThirdPartyYTLib 21 CachedYTClass o--> ThirdPartyYTLib
class ThirdPartyYTLib{
class CachedYTClass{
-ThirdPartyYTClass service
+CachedYTClass(ThirdPartyYTClass s)
class ThirdPartyYTClass{
CachedYTClass ..|> ThirdPartyYTLib
ThirdPartyYTClass ..|> ThirdPartyYTLib
CachedYTClass o--> ThirdPartyYTLib
1 classDiagram 2 class EventManager{ 3 -EventListeners listeners[] 4 +subscribe(EventListeners l) 5 +unsubscribe(EventListeners l) 6 +notify(EventType event, String data) 7 } 8 class EventListeners{ 9 <<interface>> 10 +update(String filename) 11 } 12 class EmailAlertsListener{ 13 +update(String filename) 14 } 15 class LoggingListener{ 16 +update(String filename) 17 } 18 EventManager o--> EventListeners 19 EmailAlertsListener ..|> EventListeners 20 LoggingListener ..|> EventListeners
class EventManager{
-EventListeners listeners[]
+subscribe(EventListeners l)
+unsubscribe(EventListeners l)
+notify(EventType event, String data)
class EventListeners{
+update(String filename)
class EmailAlertsListener{
+update(String filename)
class LoggingListener{
+update(String filename)
EventManager o--> EventListeners
EmailAlertsListener ..|> EventListeners
LoggingListener ..|> EventListeners
1 classDiagram 2 class EventManager{ 3 -EventListeners listeners[] 4 +subscribe(EventListeners l) 5 +unsubscribe(EventListeners l) 6 +notify(EventType event, String data) 7 } 8 class EventListeners{ 9 +update(String filename) 10 } 11 class EmailAlertsListener{ 12 +update(String filename) 13 } 14 class LoggingListener{ 15 +update(String filename) 16 } 17 EventManager o--> EventListeners 18 EmailAlertsListener ..|> EventListeners 19 LoggingListener ..|> EventListeners
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