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1$ npm install @ray-js/lamp-module-schedule 2$ yarn add @ray-js/lamp-module-schedule 3 4// or 5$ npm install @ray-js/components-ty-lamp 6$ yarn add @ray-js/components-ty-lamp
1 2interface TimerData { 3 id: string; // 定时组id, 当为本地定时时与timerId一致 4 timerId?: string; // 定时id, 当为本地定时时与id一致 5 weeks: number[]; // 定时周期[0,0,0,0,0,0,0] => 对应星期的“日一二三四五六”, 1为开启,0为关闭;0000000 => 仅一次;1111111 => 每天 6 opened: boolean; // 是否开启 7 time: string; // 定时时间 8 dps: { 9 [v: string]: any; 10 }; 11} 12type TTimer = { 13 status: any; 14 time: string; 15 loops: string; 16 dps: Record<string, any>; 17 id?: string; 18 timerId?: string; 19}; 20interface IProps { 21 /** 22 * @description.zh 组件样式 23 * @description.en Component style 24 * @default {} 25 */ 26 style?: React.CSSProperties; 27 /** 28 * @description.zh 设置主题样式 29 * @description.en Set theme style 30 * @default {} 31 */ 32 themeConfig?: { 33 // background color 34 background?: string; 35 // 主题 36 theme?: 'light' | 'dark'; 37 // brand color 38 brandColor?: string; 39 // font color 40 fontColor?: { 41 titlePrimary?: string; // Main title text color 42 textPrimary?: string; // Main text color 43 textRegular?: string; // regular text color 44 }; 45 // card style 46 card?: { 47 background?: string; 48 borderColor?: string; 49 textPrimary?: string; 50 textRegular?: string; 51 }; 52 // Time picker style 53 timer?: { 54 background?: string; 55 timerPickerBorderColor?: string; 56 customStyle: { 57 color?: string; 58 borderColor?: string; 59 boxShadowColor?: string; 60 background?: string; 61 }; 62 }; 63 }; 64 /** 65 * @description.zh 是否展示顶部导航栏 66 * @description.en Whether to display the top navigation bar 67 * @default 68 */ 69 showHeader?: boolean; 70 /** 71 * @description.zh 是否展示胶囊按钮 72 * @description.en Whether to display the capsule button 73 * @default true 默认展示 74 */ 75 showMenuButton?: boolean; 76 /** 77 * @description.zh 自定义计划包裹层的样式 78 * @description.en Customize the style of the planned wrap layer 79 * @default {} 80 */ 81 customItemContainerStyle?: React.CSSProperties; 82 /** 83 * @description.zh 设备id, 如果是单设备传入devId,如果群组传入groupId 84 * @description.en Device id 85 * @default 86 */ 87 devId?: string; 88 /** 89 * @description.zh 群组设备id,如果是单设备传入devId,如果群组传入groupId 90 * @description.en Group id 91 * @default 92 */ 93 groupId?: string; 94 /** 95 * @description.zh 是否支持倒计时 96 * @description.en Whether to support the countdown 97 * @default false 98 */ 99 supportCountdown?: boolean; 100 /** 101 * @description.zh 是否支持本地定时, 群组不支持本地定时 102 * @description.en Whether to support the local time,Group does not support local time 103 * @default false 104 */ 105 supportRctTimer?: boolean; 106 /** 107 * @description.zh 是否支持云定时,如果云定时和本地定时都支持,本地定时优先级更高 108 * @description.en Whether to support the cloud, if cloud timed and local support, local time higher priority 109 * @default false 110 */ 111 supportCloudTimer?: boolean; 112 /** 113 * @description.zh 渲染自定义计划的功能 114 * @description.en The ability to render custom plans 115 * @default {} 116 */ 117 renderCustomItem?: () => React.ReactElement; 118 /** 119 * @description.zh 定时功能配置项 120 * @description.en Timing function configuration items 121 * @default {} 122 */ 123 timingConfig?: { 124 timerLimitNum?: number; // "Default local timing is 10, while cloud timing is 30." 125 actionList?: { 126 label: string; // Title 127 // The list of "dp" values to be saved for the selected rows 128 dpList: { 129 value: string | number | boolean, // dp value 130 code: string, // dp code 131 id: number; // dp id 132 }[], 133 type: 'custom'; // Custom complex scenario action 134 callback: (res: TTimer) => void; // Callback function for custom complex scenario action 135 renderCustomActionText: () => string; // Customize the text for rendering a complex scene action 136 }[], 137 }; 138 /** 139 * @description.zh 倒计时功能配置项 140 * @description.en The countdown function configuration items 141 * @default {} 142 */ 143 countdownConfig?: { 144 countdown: number, // 倒数计剩余秒数 145 }; 146 /** 147 * @description.zh 倒计时切换时的回调函数 148 * @description.en The countdown when switching the callback function 149 * @param countdown: 倒数计数值 单位以s计数 / Countdown numerical unit s count 150 * @default 151 */ 152 onCountdownToggle?: (countdown: number) => void; 153 /** 154 * @description.zh 定时数据被修改之前触发,如果返回false,将不会触发后续逻辑,一般用于定时数据的校验 155 * @description.en Timing trigger before data is modified, if return false, it will do not trigger after logic, commonly used in data check regularly 156 * @default 157 */ 158 onBeforeTimerChange?: ( 159 timerDatas: TimerData | []TimerData, 160 type: 'add' | 'remove' | 'update' | 'init' 161 ) => boolean; 162 /** 163 * @description.zh 添加本地定时的回调 164 * @description.en Add local regular callback 165 * @default 166 */ 167 onRtcTimeAdd?: (timerData: TimerData) => void; 168 /** 169 * @description.zh 删除本地定时的回调 170 * @description.en Delete local regular callback 171 * @default 172 */ 173 onRtcTimeRemove?: (timerData: TimerData) => void; 174 /** 175 * @description.zh 更新本地定时的回调 176 * @description.en Update the local regular callback 177 * @default 178 */ 179 onRtcTimeUpdate?: (timerData: TimerData) => void; 180}
1// import 2import LampModuleSchedule, { useTriggerChildrenFunction } from '@ray-js/lamp-module-schedule'; 3// usage 4// "timerToggle" The switch status of a scheduled item is changed 5// "closeAllTimer" Turn off all timing 6const triggerType = 'timerToggle'; // Method that triggers child components 7const { run: runTimerToggle } = useTriggerChildrenFunction(triggerType); 8 9const triggerType1 = 'closeAllTimer'; 10const { run: runCloseAllTimer } = useTriggerChildrenFunction(triggerType1); 11 12setTimeout(() => { 13 const timerId = 1; // timerId 14 const timerStatus = false; // 定时开启关闭状态 15 runTimerToggle(timerId, timerStatus); 16}, 3000);
1// The first reference method 2import LampModuleSchedule, { 3 useCountdownTime, 4 useCountdownDpPull, 5 useTriggerChildrenFunction, 6} from '@ray-js/lamp-module-schedule'; 7// The second reference method 8import { LampModuleSchedule } from '@ray-js/components-ty-lamp'; 9const { useCountdownTime, useCountdownDpPull, useTriggerChildrenFunction } = LampModuleSchedule; 10 11const dpCodes = { 12 switchCode: 'switch_led', 13 countdownCode: 'countdown', 14 rtcTimerCode: 'rtc_timer', 15 musicCode: 'dreamlightmic_music_data', 16 workModeCode: 'woke_mode', 17}; 18 19// According to the requirements to adjust 20const actionList = [ 21 { 22 label: '开启', // 开启 23 dpList: [ 24 { 25 value: true, 26 code: dpCodes.switchCode, 27 id: 1, 28 }, 29 ], 30 }, 31 { 32 label: '关闭', // 关闭 33 dpList: [ 34 { 35 value: false, 36 code: dpCodes.switchCode, 37 id: 1, 38 }, 39 ], 40 }, 41 { 42 label: '摇滚', 43 type: 'custom', // 自定义复杂场景动作 44 dpList: [], 45 callback(res: TTimer) { 46 // 注意如果本函数要生效,必须设置上面的 type: 'custom', 47 // 可以跳转新页面去设置 48 // 设置完后 重新 设置下新的dpList的值 49 console.log(res, 'callbackcallback'); 50 51 router.push('/test'); 52 }, 53 renderCustomActionText() { 54 return '自定义'; // 自定义action的文案 55 }, 56 }, 57]; 58 59const Main = () => { 60 const state = useSelector(_state => _state); 61 const { countdown } = state.dpState; 62 const [_countdown, setCountdown] = useState(countdown); 63 // 由于dp获取后不会变化,倒计时数据需要自行进行处理 64 useCountdownTime(countdown, (_countdown: number) => { 65 // 进行倒计时更新 66 setCountdown(_countdown); 67 if (_countdown <= 0) { 68 // 下发dp 69 } 70 }); 71 72 // Under sigmesh protocol, it is necessary to actively pull the countdown dp value to prevent the countdown dp from being out of sync 73 const dpId = 1; // TODO: 74 useCountdownDpPull(state.devInfo.devId, dpId); 75 76 const { run: runTimerToggle } = useTriggerChildrenFunction('timerToggle'); 77 // mock dp Triggers the timing status change 78 useEffect(() => { 79 setTimeout(() => { 80 const timerId = 1; 81 const timerStatus = false; 82 runTimerToggle(timerId, timerStatus); 83 }, 4000), 84 }, []); 85 86 return ( 87 <LampModuleSchedule 88 devId={state.devInfo?.devId} 89 groupId={state.devInfo?.groupId} 90 supportCountdown 91 supportCloudTimer 92 supportRctTimer 93 // showHeader={false} 94 countdownConfig={{ 95 countdown: _countdown, 96 }} 97 timingConfig={{ 98 actionList, 99 timerLimitNum: 6, 100 }} 101 themeConfig={{ 102 theme: 'dark', // Black theme, default white theme 103 // Overall background color 104 background: '#0E263E', 105 // Brand color 106 brandColor: '#00BE9B', 107 // Font color 108 fontColor: { 109 titlePrimary: '#FFFFFF', // Main title text color 110 textPrimary: '#FFFFFF', // Main text color 111 textRegular: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', // Regular text color 112 }, 113 // Card style 114 card: { 115 background: 'rgba(35, 58, 82, 0.78)', 116 borderColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.102054)', 117 textPrimary: '#fff', 118 textRegular: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)', 119 }, 120 // Time selector style 121 timer: { 122 background: 'rgba(14, 38, 62, 1)', // background 123 timerPickerBorderColor: 'rgba(31, 48, 64, 1)', // Divider color 124 customStyle: { 125 color: '#fff', // Custom cycle text color 126 borderColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)', // Customize the periodic border color 127 background: 'rgba(35, 58, 82, 0.78)', // Custom cycle card background color 128 }, 129 }, 130 }} 131 onBeforeTimerChange={(res, type, timerList) => { 132 console.log(res, type, timerList, 'onBeforeTimerChange'); 133 // 支持异步 134 // return new Promise(resolve => { 135 // setTimeout(() => { 136 // resolve(true); 137 // }, 100); 138 // }); 139 // 同步 140 return true; 141 }} 142 onCountdownToggle={(_countdown: number) => { 143 console.log(_countdown, '_countdown_countdown'); 144 }} 145 onRtcTimeAdd={timerData => { 146 console.log(timerData, 'onRtcTimeAdd'); 147 }} 148 onRtcTimeRemove={timerData => { 149 console.log(timerData, 'onRtcTimeRemove'); 150 }} 151 onRtcTimeUpdate={timerData => { 152 console.log(timerData, 'onRtcTimeUpdate'); 153 }} 154 /> 155 ); 156};
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