⚛️ Progressive full-stack framework. Develop modern apps, clouds & framework-agnostic libraries—faster. For Web Artisans.
npm install @stacksjs/utils
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15 Contributors
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09 Nov 2024
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Dev Dependencies
Rapid App & Library Development
[!WARNING] Stay tuned. Open Beta coming soon.
Stacks is a rapid development framework, where the goal is to help you create & maintain frontends, backends, and clouds—without having to worry about the boilerplate. An all-in-one toolkit that meets all your full stack needs.
- Web & Desktop Applications (including system tray apps)
- Serverless & Traditional APIs
- Cloud Infrastructure Creation & Maintenance
- Interactive CLIs
- Framework-agnostic Component & Function Libraries
- Deployment & Release Manager (CI & CD)
Convention Over Configuration
As a developer, Stacks helps you every step along the way—in beginner & expert-friendly ways, allowing you to focus on the what & why of your project, all while enabling you to stay in control & ownership of your (& your users’) data.
“It is the framework’s responsibility to remove patterns that lead to boilerplate code. And Stacks is really good at that.” - Chris
Get Started
It’s incredibly easy to get started with this framework. Simply run the following command in your terminal:
1curl -Ssf stacksjs.org/install | sh # wip 2 3# alternatively, if Bun >= v1.2.0 is installed already, 4# you may also get started via: 5bunx buddy new my-project
The following list includes some of the most common ways to interact with the Stacks API.
Meet the toolkit, Buddy:
1buddy install # installs all dependencies 2buddy dev # starts one of the dev servers (frontend, API, components, docs, desktop, etc.) 3buddy share # creates a sharable link of your local project 4buddy build # follow CLI prompts to select which library (or server) to build 5buddy commit # follow CLI prompts for committing changes 6buddy release # creates the releases for the stack & consequently, publishes them to npm 7buddy upgrade # auto-update all deps & the Stacks framework 8 9buddy make:component HelloWorld # scaffolds a Component 10buddy make:function HelloWorld # scaffolds a Function 11buddy make:model Car # scaffolds a Model 12buddy make:action UpdateCar # scaffolds an Action 13buddy make:migration create_cars_table # scaffolds a Migration 14buddy make:view Car # scaffolds a Page (https://my-project.test/car) 15buddy make:command Inspire # scaffolds a Command 16buddy make:job SendEmail # scaffolds a Job 17buddy make:middleware Logger # scaffolds a new Middleware 18buddy make:notification WelcomeEmail # scaffolds a Notification 19buddy make:lang de # scaffolds a language file 20 21buddy list # lists all available commands 22buddy --help
View the complete Buddy Toolkit
1buddy --version # get the Stacks version 2buddy --help # view help menu 3# please note: you may suffix any command with the 4# `command --help` flag to review the help menu 5 6buddy install # installs dependencies 7buddy add # adds a stack or dependency 8buddy fresh # fresh reinstall of all deps 9buddy clean # removes all deps 10buddy setup # sets up the project initially 11buddy setup:oh-my-zsh # optional: sets up Oh My Zsh with auto-completions & "aliases" 12 13buddy upgrade # upgrades all dependencies 14buddy upgrade -i # prompts you to select which updates to apply (wip) 15buddy upgrade:dependencies # auto-upgrades package.json deps 16buddy upgrade:framework # auto-upgrades deps & the Stacks framework 17buddy upgrade:search-engine # auto-upgrades configured search engine 18buddy upgrade:shell # upgrades the shell integration 19buddy upgrade:binary # upgrades the `stacks` binary 20buddy upgrade:bun # upgrades to latest project-defined Bun version 21buddy upgrade:all # auto-upgrades all of the above 22 23# if you need any more info on any command listed here, you may suffix 24# any of them via the "help option", i.e. `buddy ... --help` 25 26buddy dev # starts the frontend dev server 27buddy dev -i # prompts any of the dev servers (components, functions, views, docs, or api) 28buddy dev:api # starts the API dev server 29buddy dev:dashboard # starts the Admin/Dashboard dev server 30buddy dev:desktop # starts the Desktop dev server 31buddy dev:views # starts frontend dev server 32buddy dev:components # starts component dev server 33buddy dev:functions # stubs functions 34buddy dev:docs # starts local docs dev server 35buddy dev docs # also starts the local docs dev server (colon is optional for all commands) 36buddy development # `buddy dev` alias 37 38buddy share # creates a sharable link to your local project 39 40# for Laravel folks, `serve` may ring more familiar than the `dev` name. Hence, we aliased it: 41buddy serve 42buddy serve:components 43buddy serve:desktop 44buddy serve:views 45buddy serve:functions 46buddy serve:docs 47 48# building for production (e.g. AWS, Google Cloud, npm, Vercel, Netlify, et al.) 49buddy build # select a specific build (follow CLI prompts) 50buddy build:views # builds SSG views 51buddy build:desktop # builds Desktop application 52buddy build:library # builds any or all libraries 53buddy build:functions # builds function library 54buddy build:components # builds Vue component library & Web Component library 55buddy build:web-components # builds framework agnostic Web Component library (i.e. Custom Elements) 56buddy build:vue-components # builds Vue 2 & 3-ready Component library 57buddy build:all # builds all your code 58 59# `buddy build` aliases 60buddy prod 61buddy prod:components 62buddy prod:desktop 63buddy prod:library 64buddy prod:views 65buddy prod:functions 66buddy prod:vue-components 67buddy prod:web-components 68buddy prod:all 69buddy production # `buddy prod` alias 70 71# sets your application key 72buddy key:generate 73 74buddy make:component HelloWorld # bootstraps a HelloWorld component 75buddy make:function hello-world # bootstraps a hello-world function 76buddy make:view hello-world # bootstraps a hello-word page 77buddy make:model Car # bootstraps a Car model 78buddy make:database cars # creates a cars database 79buddy make:migration create_cars_table # creates a cars migration file 80buddy make:factory cars # creates a Car factory file 81buddy make:table cars # bootstraps a cars data table 82buddy make:notification welcome-email # bootstraps a welcome-email notification 83buddy make:lang de # bootstraps a lang/de.yml language file 84buddy make:stack my-project # shares logic with `bunx --bun stacks new my-project` 85 86buddy migrate # runs database migrations 87buddy migrate:dns # sets the ./config/dns.ts file 88 89buddy dns example.com # list all DNS records for example.com 90buddy dns example.com --type MX # list MX records for example.com (proxies dog) 91 92buddy https httpie.io/hello 93# http [flags] [METHOD] URL [ITEM [ITEM]] 94buddy http --help 95buddy http PUT pie.dev/put X-API-Token:123 name=John # Custom HTTP method, HTTP headers and JSON data 96buddy http -v pie.dev/get # See the request that is being sent using one of the output options 97buddy http -f POST pie.dev/post hello=World # submitting forms 98buddy http --offline pie.dev/post hello=offline 99buddy http -a USERNAME POST https://api.github.com/repos/httpie/cli/issues/83/comments body='HTTPie is awesome! :heart:' 100buddy http pie.dev/post < files/data.json 101buddy http pie.dev/image/png > image.png 102buddy http --download pie.dev/image/png 103buddy http --session=logged-in -a username:password pie.dev/get API-Key:123 104buddy http --session=logged-in pie.dev/headers 105buddy http localhost:8000 Host:example.com 106 107buddy lint # runs linter 108buddy lint:fix # runs linter and fixes issues 109 110buddy commit # follow CLI prompts for committing staged changes 111buddy release # creates the releases for the stack & triggers the Release Action (workflow) 112buddy changelog # generates CHANGELOG.md 113 114# when deploying your app/s to a remote server or cloud provider 115buddy deploy # select a specific deployment (follow CLI prompts) 116# buddy deploy:docs # deploys docs to AWS (or other configured provider) 117# buddy deploy:functions # deploys functions to AWS (or other configured provider) 118# buddy deploy:views # deploys views to AWS (or other configured provider) 119# buddy deploy:all # deploys all your code 120buddy undeploy # be careful: "undeploys" removes/deletes your deployed resources 121 122buddy cloud:remove # removes cloud setup 123buddy cloud:cleanup # removes cloud setup & cleans up all potentially leftover resources 124buddy cloud:add --jump-box # adds a jump box to your cloud setup 125 126# select the example to run (follow CLI prompts) 127buddy example # prompts you to select which example to run 128buddy example:vue # runs the Vue example 129buddy example:web-components # runs the Web Component example 130 131# you likely won’t need to run these commands as they are auto-triggered, but they are available 132buddy generate # prompts you to select which generator to run 133buddy generate:types # generates types for your components, functions, & views 134buddy generate:entries # generates entry files for components, functions, & views 135buddy generate:web-types # generates Web Component types 136buddy generate:vscode-custom-data # generates VSCode custom data 137buddy generate:ide-helpers # generates IDE helpers 138buddy generate:component-meta # generates component meta 139buddy generate:all # runs all generators 140 141# generates your application key 142buddy key:generate # generates your application key 143 144# generate your TypeScript declarations 145buddy types:generate # generates types for your components, functions, & views 146buddy types:fix # auto-fixes types for your components, functions, & views 147 148buddy domains # alias for `buddy domains:list` 149buddy domains:add stacksjs.org # adds a domain 150buddy domains:remove stacksjs.org # removes a domain 151buddy domains:list # lists all domains 152buddy domains:update # apply ./config/dns.ts updates 153buddy domains:purchase stacksjs.org # purchase a new domain 154 155# test your stack 156buddy test # runs test suite (unit & e2e) 157buddy test:coverage # runs test coverage 158buddy test:types # runs typecheck 159 160# the CLI may be triggered in any 161# of the following syntax: 162stx fresh 163buddy fresh 164bud fresh
Read more here about the Stacks CLI in the documentation.
The Stacks framework is a harmony of several “engines” to build any web and/or desktop application, in highly scalable & privacy-friendly ways. It consists of the following engines:
Frontend Development
Develop dynamic UIs with helpers for atomic design, and much more.
- 🧩 Components primitive to develop user interfaces
- 🤖 Functions primitive to develop business logic (and grant your UI superpowers)
- 🎨 UI Kit modern & deeply-integrated components
- 🌐 Web “a routing & templating engine that makes sense”
- 🖥️ Desktop transforms your web app into a desktop app, plus more
- 📝 Documentation markdown-based documentation, auto-generated
- 📚 Library auto-builds & manages component & function libraries
- ⚡️ Powered by Bun, Tauri, UnoCSS, Vite, VitePress and Vue
Backend Development
Develop serverless (or server) functions with countless helpers to build scalable & fast APIs.
- 🪄 AI deep AI integrations & foundational model access
- 🤖 APIs scalability & maintainability built-in
- 🏎️ Cache unified caching for DynamoDB, Redis and more
- ⚙️ CLIs create beautiful CLIs for Linux, Windows, and Mac (dependency-free binaries)
- 📀 Database DynamoDB, SQLite, MySQL, Postgres, and more
- 👾 Errors native type-safe error handling
- 🗓️ Events functional event (front & backend) communication
- 📢 Notifications emails, SMSs, direct, and push notifications & webhooks
- 🗺️ ORM automated schemas for scale & a pretty API
- 💳 Payments unified API for one-off & subscription billing methods for Stripe
- ⚙️ Queues run any heavy workload in the background
- 🛠️ Query Builder powerful, type-safe SQL query builder
- 💬 Realtime “everything you need to build dynamic real-time apps”
- 🧭 Router smart routing, file-based or Laravel-like
- 🔎 Search Engine smart searching, advanced filtering & sorting, pagination, headless UI
- 💾 Storage a secure-by-default File API that feels right
- 🧪 Tinker a powerful TypeScript REPL
- 🌪️ Validation e2e type-safety (true frontend & backend harmony)
- 🎯 X-Ray all you need to debug, log & analyze
Cloud Development
Develop & maintain cloud infrastructure with ease. “Imagine Vercel, Vapor and Forge having been unified.”
- ☁️ Server local development server & production-ready servers out-of-the-box
- ⛅️ Serverless on-demand, auto-scaling, zero maintenance
- ⏰ Alarms built-in cloud infrastructure monitoring to avoid surprises
- 🚏 CDN zero-config, low-latency, request life-cycle hooks, optimized request compressions (Brotli & gzip)
- 🔀 Domain version-controlled & zero-config domain management (e.g. DNS management)
- 🤖 AI fine-tune a foundational model using your application data
- 📧 Email secure & zero-setup easy-peasy@custom-domains.com mailboxes
- 🔐 Firewall native web application firewall support
- 📦 Storage unlimited cloud storage & automatic backups
- 🚜 Maintenance maintain your cloud infrastructure with ease using Buddy & Stacks
- 🚦 Infrastructure as Code version-controlled cloud infrastructure (AWS, Google next?)
Focus on coding, not publishing.
- 🚀 Deployment Manager takes the sweat out of production deployments—zero-setup push-to-deploy
- 0️⃣ Zero Downtime deploy with confidence using a zero-downtime deployment strategy
- 📫 Release Manager libraries (component & function) auto-published to npm, git helpers, and more
Developer Experience (DX)
Convention over configuration, while staying wholly configurable. No more boilerplate.
- 💎 Automated Upgrades no need to worry about upgrading to the latest versions, Stacks upgrades you
- 🦋 Pretty Dev URLs your-project.localhost instead of localhost:3000
- 💡 IDE Integration auto-completions, inline docs & a powerful VS Code setup
- 🪄 Zero-Config yet highly configurable—convention over configuration
- 💅 Linter & Formatter auto-configured & built into your IDE
- 💪🏼 Type Strong built-in e2e type-safety
- ✨ Git Workflows committing with ease
- 🚗 Auto Imports your components & functions, including date, string, array, & object helpers
- ⏩ Code Snippets goodbye to the boilerplate code—thank you Sarah Drasner
- 🔤 Spell Checker be notified once there are typos
- 🛠️ Essential Utilities powers at your fingertips. Collections, VueUse, and more
- 👥 Team Management manage your team & their permissions
- 🧪 Streamlined Testing unit & e2e tests powered by Bun, Vitest & Playwright
No matter whether you are a beginner or an expert, the approachable Stacks design allows you to learn at your own pace, using our thorough documentation covering every aspect of the framework. Stacks is extremely beginner & expert-friendly.
Develop beautiful, reactive, composable UIs without learning a new set of languages. HTML, CSS, and minimal JavaScript—that’s all you need to dive in now! Or TypeScript ✌🏼
An actual rapid application development framework for all Full Stack needs. Next-level simplicity & DX.
1./buddy test
Please see our releases page for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see the Contributing Guide for details.
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:
For casual chit-chat with others using this package:
Join the Stacks Discord Server
Stacks OSS will always stay open-sourced, and we will always love to receive postcards from wherever Stacks is used! And we also publish them on our website. Thank you, Spatie.
Our address: Stacks.js, 12665 Village Ln #2306, Playa Vista, CA 90094, United States 🌎
We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Stacks development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please reach out to us.
And a special thanks to Dan Scanlon for donating the stacks
name on npm ✨
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.
Made with 💙
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