Utility to help destroy AWS resources deployed by Serverless Framework.
Install to your project with your packager manager of choice, likely as a dev dependency:
npm install @stratiformdigital/serverless-stage-destroyer --save-dev
Import the package:
import { ServerlessStageDestroyer } from "@stratiformdigital/serverless-stage-destroyer";
let destroyer = new ServerlessStageDestroyer();
Destroy resources associated with the "foo" stage in Amazon's us-east-1 region:
destroyer.destroy("us-east-1", "foo", {});
Assorted Notes/Considerations
This package is meant to make it easy to clean up cloudformation stacks deployed by the Serverless Framework.
Keep in mind:
- Any stage that contains the substring 'prod' cannot be removed with this package. There's no override provided; if you need to destroy a stage containing 'prod', you're on your own.
- By default, the destroy function will wait for all cloudformation stacks to be destroyed. If you'd like to trigger destroys and then exit immediately without waiting, you may pass 'wait: false' in the destroy() options.
destroyer.destroy("us-east-1", "foo", {
wait: false
- By default, the destroy function will prompt the user to confirm destruction by way of asking the user to re-enter the stage name. If you'd like to skip the prompt (like for CI systems), you may pass 'verify: false' in the destroy() options.
destroyer.destroy("us-east-1", "foo", {
verify: false
- Any number of cloudformation tag filters may be passed in the destroy options. This can be useful if you want to destroy just a particular service. If your project adds default tags to each stage, such as to identify the parent project in a shared AWS account, you can filter on that, too. The filters can contain any number of Key/Value pairs:
destroyer.destroy("us-east-1", "foo", {
filters: [
Value: "serverless-stage-destroyer",
Value: "alpha",
See LICENSE for full details.