nestjs-form-data is a NestJS middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files.
- Process files and strings, serialize form-data to object
- Process files in nested objects
- Integration with class-validator, validate files with validator decorator
nestjs-form-data serializes the form-data request into an object and places it in the body of the request.
The files in the request are transformed into objects.
Standard file storage types:
- Memory storage
- File system storage
$ npm install nestjs-form-data
Add the module to your application
imports: [
export class AppModule {
Apply @FormDataRequest()
decorator to your controller method
export class NestjsFormDataController {
getHello(@Body() testDto: FormDataTestDto): void {
If you are using class-validator describe dto and specify validation rules
export class FormDataTestDto {
@HasMimeType(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])
avatar: MemoryStoredFile;
Static configuration
You can set the global configuration when connecting the module using the NestjsFormDataModule.config
imports: [
NestjsFormDataModule.config({ storage: MemoryStoredFile }),
controllers: [],
providers: [],
export class AppModule {
Async configuration
Quite often you might want to asynchronously pass your module options instead of passing them beforehand.
In such case, use configAsync()
method, that provides a couple of various ways to deal with async data.
1. Use factory
useFactory: () => ({
storage: MemoryStoredFile
Our factory behaves like every other one (might be async and is able to inject dependencies through inject).
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({
storage: MemoryStoredFile,
limits: {
files: configService.get<number>('files'),
inject: [ConfigService],
2. Use class
useClass: MyNestJsFormDataConfigService
Above construction will instantiate MyNestJsFormDataConfigService
inside NestjsFormDataModule
and will leverage it
to create options object.
export class MyNestJsFormDataConfigService implements NestjsFormDataConfigFactory {
configAsync(): Promise<FormDataInterceptorConfig> | FormDataInterceptorConfig {
return {
storage: FileSystemStoredFile,
fileSystemStoragePath: '/tmp/nestjs-fd',
3. Use existing
imports: [MyNestJsFormDataConfigModule],
useExisting: MyNestJsFormDataConfigService
It works the same as useClass with one critical difference - NestjsFormDataModule
will lookup imported modules to
reuse already created MyNestJsFormDataConfigService
, instead of instantiating it on its own.
Method level configuration
Or pass the config object while using the decorator on the method
export class NestjsFormDataController {
@FormDataRequest({storage: MemoryStoredFile})
getHello(@Body() testDto: FormDataTestDto): void {
Configuration fields
- The type of storage logic for the uploaded file (Default MemoryStoredFile)
- The path to the directory for storing temporary files, used only for storage: FileSystemStoredFile
(Default: /tmp/nestjs-tmp-storage)
- Automatically delete files after the request ends (Default true)
- busboy limits configuration. Constraints in this declaration are handled at the serialization stage, so using these parameters is preferable for performance.
File storage types
Memory storage
The file is loaded into RAM, files with this storage type are very fast but not suitable for processing large files.
File system storage
The file is loaded into a temporary directory (see configuration) and is available during the processing of the request. The file is automatically deleted after the request finishes
Custom storage types
You can define a custom type of file storage, for this, inherit your class from StoredFile
, see examples in the storage directory
By default, several validators are available with which you can check the file
- Checks if the value is an uploaded file
- Checks an array of files
- Maximum allowed file size
- Minimum allowed file size
- Check the mime type of the file
If you need to validate an array of files for size or otherwise, use each: true
property from ValidationOptions
FileSystemStoredFile storage configuration
import { FileSystemStoredFile, FormDataRequest } from 'nestjs-form-data';
export class NestjsFormDataController {
@FormDataRequest({storage: FileSystemStoredFile})
getHello(@Body() testDto: FormDataTestDto): void {
import { FileSystemStoredFile, HasMimeType, IsFile, MaxFileSize } from 'nestjs-form-data';
export class FormDataTestDto {
@HasMimeType(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])
avatar: FileSystemStoredFile;
Validate the array of file
import { FileSystemStoredFile, HasMimeType, IsFiles, MaxFileSize } from 'nestjs-form-data';
export class FormDataTestDto {
@MaxFileSize(1e6, { each: true })
@HasMimeType(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], { each: true })
avatars: FileSystemStoredFile[];