Addresses saver for deployed contracts
Provides utils for managing addresses during deployment and delivery processes.
To import functions to work with contract addresses
import { getDeployedAddresses, getUnwrappedDeployedAddressSync } from "@truffle-types/address-saver";
// or
const { getDeployedAddress, getUnwrappedDeployedAddressSync } = require("@truffle-types/address-saver");
Have several bins that could be integrated with tests and CI
Merge addresses
That is usual operation when you update your contracts and need to update artifacts and addresses of already deployed contracts.
npx merge-addresses --source=./imported-deployed-addresses.json --target=./deployed-addresses.json --output=./deployed-addresses-new.json
Output option could be ignored, then results will be saved to target path.
Clean deployed addresses
Usually suitable while running tests and need to clean up temporary networks.
npx clean-addresses --addresses=./deployed-addresses.json --network=88
If you want to leave only selected range of networks run
npx clean-addresses --addresses=./deployed-addresses.json --saveNetworks=1 4 42 88
It will remove all network records except provided.