npm install --save @types/inquirer-fuzzy-path
This package contains type definitions for inquirer-fuzzy-path (
Files were exported from
import { Answers, KeyUnion, QuestionCollection } from "inquirer";
import { AutocompleteQuestionOptions } from "inquirer-autocomplete-prompt";
import InquirerAutocomplete = require("inquirer-autocomplete-prompt");
import { Interface as ReadlineInterface } from "readline";
export = InquirerFuzzyPath;
* Provides the functionality to create a new Inquirer plugin
declare class InquirerFuzzyPath<T extends Answers> extends InquirerAutocomplete<T> {
* Create new InquirerFuzzyPath
* @param questions
* The questions to prompt
* @param rl
* The readline interface
* @param answers
* The currently supplied answers
constructor(questions: QuestionCollection<T>, rl: ReadlineInterface, answers: Answers);
* Curate list of choices.
* @param searchTerm
* The term to search for
search(searchTerm: string): Promise<void>;
* When user presses `enter` key
* @param line
* The input on the line.
onSubmit(line: string): void;
* Provides inquirer prompt options for type `InquirerFuzzyPath`.
declare namespace InquirerFuzzyPath {
* Provides options for a question of type `InquirerFuzzyPath`.
* @template T
* The type of the answers.
interface FuzzyPathQuestionOptions<T extends Answers = Answers>
extends Partial<Omit<AutocompleteQuestionOptions<T>, "type">>
* The key to save the answer to the answers-hash.
type: "fuzzypath";
* The key to save the answer to the answers-hash.
name: KeyUnion<T>;
* The root search directory, default to ".".
rootPath?: string | undefined;
* A function to exclude some paths from the file-system scan.
excludePath?: ((path: string) => boolean) | undefined;
* A function to exclude some paths from the final list.
excludeFilter?: ((path: string) => boolean) | undefined;
* A string to specify the type of nodes to display, default to "any".
itemType?: "any" | "directory" | "file" | undefined;
* An integer (>= 0) to limit the depth of sub-folders to scan,
* undefined means infinite.
depthLimit?: number | undefined;
Additional Details
These definitions were written by 迷子 (Maiko Tan).