npm install --save @types/loadjs
This package contains type definitions for loadjs (
Files were exported from
export as namespace loadjs;
export = loadjs;
declare function loadjs(
files: string | string[],
bundleIdOrLoaded: string | loadjs.LoadOptions | loadjs.LoadedFn,
): void;
declare function loadjs(
files: string | string[],
bundleId: string,
optionsOrCallback: loadjs.LoadOptions | loadjs.LoadedFn,
): void;
declare function loadjs(
files: string | string[],
options: loadjs.LoadOptions & {
returnPromise: true;
): Promise<void>;
declare function loadjs(
files: string | string[],
bundleId: string,
options: loadjs.LoadOptions & {
returnPromise: true;
): Promise<void>;
declare namespace loadjs {
type LoadedFn = () => void;
interface LoadOptions {
before?(path: string, scriptEl: HTMLElement): void;
async?: boolean | undefined;
numRetries?: number | undefined;
success?(): void; // Arguments provided are different in case of returnPromise: true / false
error?(depsNotFound: string[]): void;
interface ReadyOptions {
success?(): void;
error?(depsNotFound: string[]): void;
function ready(bundleIds: string | string[], optionsOrCallback: ReadyOptions | LoadedFn): typeof loadjs;
function isDefined(bundleId: string): boolean;
function done(bundleId: string): void;
function reset(): void;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:09:38 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by Christian Rackerseder, and Aziz Khambati.