npm install --save @types/npm-license-crawler
This package contains type definitions for npm-license-crawler (
Files were exported from
export interface License {
licenses: string;
licenseUrl: string;
parents: string;
repository: string;
export interface Licenses {
[repository: string]: License;
export interface CrawlerOptions {
/** export the data as comma-separated values to the given file. The path will be created if it does not exist. */
csv?: string | undefined;
/** show only third-party licenses, i.e., only list the dependencies defined in package.json. */
dependencies?: boolean | undefined;
/** show only development dependencies */
development?: boolean | undefined;
/** path to a directory to be excluded (and its subdirectories) from the search. */
exclude?: string | string[] | undefined;
/** export data as JSON to the given file. The path will be created if it does not exist. */
json?: string | undefined;
/** omit version numbers in result (e.g. "npm-license-crawler@0.1.5" becomes "npm-license-crawler") */
omitVersion?: boolean | undefined;
/** show only direct dependencies licenses, i.e., don't list dependencies of dependencies. */
onlyDirectDependencies?: boolean | undefined;
/** show only production dependencies */
production?: boolean | undefined;
/** output the relative file path for license files. */
relativeLicensePath?: boolean | undefined;
/** path to the directory the license search should start from. If omitted the current working directory is assumed. */
start: string | string[];
/** show only licenses that can't be determined or have been guessed. */
unknown?: boolean | undefined;
/** don't show colors in the console output */
noColor?: boolean | undefined;
export type Callback = (error: Error | null, licenses: Licenses) => void;
export function dumpLicenses(args: CrawlerOptions, callback: Callback): void;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:09:39 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by Florian Keller.