npm install --save @types/sharpie
This package contains type definitions for sharpie (
Files were exported from
import { RequestHandler } from "express-serve-static-core";
import sharpModule = require("sharp");
* A simple express middleware for resizing images using sharp and pipes.
declare function sharpie(defaults: sharpie.SharpieOptions): RequestHandler;
declare namespace sharpie {
interface SharpieOptions {
format?: string | undefined;
/** @default 'url' */
param?: string | undefined;
/** @default 90 */
q?: number | undefined;
/** @default 'w:2048,h:2048,max' */
rs?: string | undefined;
/** @default false */
bg?: string | boolean | undefined;
/** @default false */
fg?: string | boolean | undefined;
/** @default 'center' */
crop?: string | undefined;
/** @default false */
flatten?: boolean | undefined;
/** @default false */
style?: boolean | undefined;
/** @default 'xMinYMin' */
ratio?: string | undefined;
/** @default undefined */
mean?: string | undefined;
* whitelist hostnames that sharpie can proxy
* @default false
| false
| string[]
| {
[hostname: string]: boolean;
| ((hostname: string) => boolean)
| undefined;
* Since version 3.4 it is possible to use imagemagick to convert to ico file format
im?: string | undefined;
* the sizes of the favicon in ico format, separated by a comma
* @default '64,32,16'
sizes?: string | undefined;
signs?: {
/** use ~ for better uri-encoding */
assignment?: string | undefined;
/** use ! for better uri-encoding */
separator?: string | undefined;
} | undefined;
interface SharpieFormats {
src: { [format: string]: true };
dst: { [format: string]: true };
const formats: SharpieFormats;
const sharp: typeof sharpModule;
export = sharpie;
Additional Details
These definitions were written by Piotr Błażejewicz.