npm install --save @types/utif
This package contains type definitions for utif (
Files were exported from
import "node";
export as namespace UTIF;
export type TiffTag = string[] | number[];
* Each IFD is an object, keys are "tXYZ" (XYZ is a TIFF tag number), values are values of these tags.
* You can get the the dimension (and other properties, "metadata") of the image without decompressing pixel data.
* For more information on what each tag means, refer or TIFF 6 specification.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
export interface IFD {
[property: string]: TiffTag | number | Uint8Array;
data: Uint8Array;
width: number;
height: number;
* Returns an array of "IFDs" (image file directories).
* @param buffer A Buffer or ArrayBuffer containing TIFF or EXIF data.
export function decode(buffer: Buffer | ArrayBuffer): IFD[];
* If there is an image inside the IFD, it is decoded and three new properties are added to the IFD: width, height and data.
* Note: TIFF files may have various number of channels and various color depth. The interpretation of data depends on many tags (see the TIFF 6 specification).
* @param buffer A Buffer or ArrayBuffer containing TIFF or EXIF data
* @param ifd The element of the output of UTIF.decode()
export function decodeImage(buffer: Buffer | ArrayBuffer, ifd: IFD): void;
* Returns Uint8Array of the image in RGBA format, 8 bits per channel (ready to use in context2d.putImageData() etc.)
* @param ifd An image file directory
export function toRGBA8(ifd: IFD): Uint8Array;
* Returns an ArrayBuffer of the binary TIFF file.
* Note: No compression available right now.
* @param rgba A Uint8Array containing RGBA pixel data.
* @param w Width of the image.
* @param h Height of the image.
* @param metadata [optional] The image file directory which should be encoded.
export function encodeImage(rgba: Uint8Array, w: number, h: number, metadata?: IFD): ArrayBuffer;
* Returns ArrayBuffer of binary data which can be used to encode EXIF data.
* @param ifds The array of IFDs (image file directories) to be encoded.
export function encode(ifds: IFD[]): ArrayBuffer;
* Replaces all Image elements in the document with Canvas elements.
* The attributes "id", "class" and "style" will be copied from the original Image to the new Canvas.
export function replaceIMG(): void;
Additional Details
- Last updated: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:36:24 GMT
- Dependencies: @types/node
These definitions were written by Jan Pesa, Naveen Kumar Sangi, and Massimiliano Caniparoli.