IndexedDB File System
A file system built on the front end of the web, using indexedDB
as the back-end storage, as an alternative storage solution or compatible solution for Opfs. It supports reading and writing of file stream
and can be used for uploading and downloading large files..Most of the APIs refer to NodeJS, which is used in a similar way.
- Support
- Store file data in chunks to IndexedDB
- Maintain metadata of files
- Support Save disk
import { mount } from "@wwog/idbfs";
const fs = await mount();
const result = await fs.readdir("/");
console.log(result); // {dirs:[], files:[]}
Write the file to the disk
const handle = await window.showSaveFilePicker();
//Use the stream internally
await fs.saveFile(handle, "/bigFile");
Streams the selected file into IDBFS
const file = fileInput.files?.[0];
if (!file) {
return alert("please select file");
const path = "/" +;
const idbFile = await fs.createFile(path, { mimeType: file.type });
const wStream = fs.createWriteStream(idbFile);
Read the file from the disk
import { streamToAsyncIterator } from "@wwog/idbfs";
const rStream = fs.createReadStream(path);
for await (chunk of streamToAsyncIterator(rStream)) {
- async appendFile(path: string|IDBFile, data: ArrayBuffer): Promise;
- async getFile(path: string): Promise
- async save(dbHandle: FileSystemFileHandle, path: string): Promise
- async createFile(path: string, desc: FileDesc): Promise
- createWriteStream(file: IDBFile): WritableStream
- createReadStream(path: string): ReadableStream
- async rm(path: string, recursive?: boolean): Promise
- async readdir(path: string): Promise<{ dirs: Directory[]; files: IDBFile[] }>
- async writeFileByWebFile(path: string, file: File): Promise
- async writeFile(path: string,data: ArrayBuffer,desc: FileDesc): Promise
- async readFile(path: string): Promise
- async mkdir(path: string): Promise
- async stat(path: string): Promise
- async exists(path: string): Promise