Marks all side-effects in module initialization that will interfere with tree-shaking

This plugin is intended as a means for library developers to identify patterns that will
interfere with the tree-shaking algorithm of their module bundler (i.e.
rollup or webpack).
myGlobal = 17;
const x = { [globalFunction()]: "myString" };
export default 42;
Rollup output:
myGlobal = 17;
const x = { [globalFunction()]: "myString" };
var index = 42;
export default index;
ESLint output:
1:1 error Cannot determine side-effects of assignment to global variable
2:13 error Cannot determine side-effects of calling global function
This plugin is most useful when you
integrate ESLint with your editor.
Installation and Setup
You'll first need to install ESLint:
$ npm i eslint --save-dev
Next, install @zibuthe7j11/alias-rem-consequuntur
$ npm install @zibuthe7j11/alias-rem-consequuntur --save-dev
Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g
flag) then you must also install @zibuthe7j11/alias-rem-consequuntur
Add tree-shaking
to the plugins section of your .eslintrc
configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin-
"plugins": ["tree-shaking"]
Then add the rule no-side-effects-in-initialization
to the rules section:
"rules": {
"tree-shaking/no-side-effects-in-initialization": 2
To prevent false positives, configure like this:
"rules": {
"tree-shaking/no-side-effects-in-initialization": [
"noSideEffectsWhenCalled": [
{ "function": "Object.freeze" },
"module": "react",
"functions": ["createContext", "createRef"]
"module": "zod",
"functions": ["array", "string", "nativeEnum", "number", "object", "optional"]
"module": "my/local/module",
"functions": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
Magic Comments
ESLint only ever analyzes one file at a time and by default, this plugin assumes that all imported
functions have side-effects. If this is not the case, this plugin supports magic comments you can
add before identifiers in imports and exports to specify that you assume an import or export to be a
pure function. Examples:
By default, imported functions are assumed to have side-effects:
import { x } from "./some-file";
ESLint output:
1:9 error Cannot determine side-effects of calling imported function
You can mark a side-effect free import with a magic comment:
import { /* tree-shaking no-side-effects-when-called */ x } from "./some-file";
No ESLint errors
By default, exported functions are not checked for side-effects:
export const x = globalFunction;
No ESLint errors
You can check exports for side-effects with a magic comment:
export const /* tree-shaking no-side-effects-when-called */ x = globalFunction;
ESLint output:
1:65 error Cannot determine side-effects of calling global function
Background and Planned Development
This plugin is in development. If you want to contribute, please read
This plugin implements a side-effect detection algorithm similar to what rollup uses to determine
if code can be removed safely. However, there is no one-to-one correspondence. If you find that you have code that
- is not removed by rollup (even though tree-shaking is enabled) but
- has no ESLint issues
please--if no-one else has done so yet--check the guidelines and file an issue!