A view module for returning metadata via callback using browser FileReader. Works well with ampersand-form-view.
It does the following:
- Returns an object via
prop/method with metadata for file selected.
npm install ampersand-filereader-input-view
The only required attributes are name and type. Everything else is optional (even the callback.)
var InputView = require('ampersand-filereader-input-view');
var field = new FileReaderInputView({
// form input's `name` attribute
name: 'file',
// You can replace the built-in template for the parent item
// just give it an html string. Make sure it has a single "root" element that contains:
// - an element with a `data-hook="label"` attribute
// - an element with a `data-hook="fieldContainer"` this is where individual fields go
// - an element with a `data-hook="main-message-container"` attribute (this we'll show/hide)
// - an elememt with a `data-hook="main-message-text"` attribute (where message text goes for error)
template: // some HTML string,
// Template for individual view. It should be a string of HTML
// Make sure it has a single "root" element that contains
// - an element with a `data-hook="label"` attribute
// - an element with a `data-hook="message-container"` attribute (this we'll show/hide)
// - an elememt with a `data-hook="message-text"` attribute (where message text goes for error)
// function called when file selected
// - arguments returned by callback:
// * 1st: fileInputView - view object of the file form-field
// * 2nd: data - object containing metadata for file selected
callback: function (fileInputView, data) {}
// Label name
label: 'File',
// Optional placeholder attribute
placeholder: 'file',
// optional, this is the element that will be
// replaced by this view. If you don't
// give it one, it will create one.
el: document.getElementByID('field'),
// class to set on input when input is valid
validClass: 'input-valid', // <- that's the default
// type value to use for the input tag's type value
type: 'file',
// class to set on input when input is valid
invalidClass: 'input-invalid', // <- that's the default
// Message to use if error is that it's required
// but no value was set.
requiredMessage: 'This field is required.',
// optional, you can pass in the parent view explicitly
parent: someViewInstance
// append it somewhere or use it in side an ampersand-form-view
browser support
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Created by @gdibble.