Gathering detailed insights and metrics for angular-phone-helper
Gathering detailed insights and metrics for angular-phone-helper
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1{{ '31234567890' | phoneFormat }} <!-- +3 123 456 7890 --> 2{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { iso: 'USA', prefix: true } }} // <!-- +1 (123) 456-7890 --> 3{{ '41234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: true } }} // <!-- +4 123 456 7890 --> 4{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: true, code: '+33', format: '(XXX) XXX-XXXX' } }} // <!-- +33 (123) 456-7890 --> 5{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: false, code: '+33', format: '(XXX) XXX-XXXX' } }} // <!-- (123) 456-7890 --> 6{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: false, format: '(XXX) XXX-XXXX' } }} // <!-- (123) 456-7890 -->
module's imports
1import {AngularPhoneHelperModule} from "angular-phone-helper";
3// default country config
5 defaultCountryIsoCode: 'USA', // Country ISO code
6 defaultWithCountryCode: false, // Add prefix by default
9// custom country config
11 defaultWithCountryCode: true,
12 customCountry: {
13 isoCode: 'YOUR_CODE_3_LEN',
14 isoCodeAlpha2: 'YOUR_CODE_2_LEN',
16 phone: {
17 codeDigit: '10',
18 code: '+10',
19 format: 'XXX XXX-XX-XX',
20 formatInternational: 'XXX XXX-XX-XX',
21 }
22 }
1NOTE: Config is optional 2 3NOTE: For custom country 4Some countries have different format 5For example: France 6codeDigit: "33", code: "+33", formatInternational: "X XX XX XX XX", format: "0X XX XX XX XX" 7X - digits 80 - const
Key | Type | Optional | Default value |
defaultCountryIsoCode | string | yes | |
defaultWithCountryCode | boolean | yes | true |
customCountry | CountryModel | yes | null |
Key | Type | Optional | Default value |
name | string | no | |
isoCode | string | no | |
isoCodeAlpha2 | string | no | |
phone | PhoneModel | no | |
Key | Type | Optional | Default value |
code | string | no | |
codeDigit | string | no | |
format | string | no | |
formatInternational | string | yes | |
in ts
1import {PhoneFormatService} from "angular-phone-helper"; 2 3constructor(private readonly phoneFormatService: PhoneFormatService) { 4 this.phoneFormatService.isCustomFormatted('123 456-78-90'); // true 5 this.phoneFormatService.isInternationalFormatted('+3 123 456 7890'); // true 6 this.phoneFormatService.isInternationalFormatted('+4811231234567890'); // false 7 this.phoneFormatService.isInternationalFormatted('+481 2312 67890'); // false 8 this.phoneFormatService.isUnitedStatesFormatted('(123) 456-7890'); // true 9 this.phoneFormatService.isUnitedStatesFormatted('+1 (123) 456-7890'); // true 10 this.phoneFormatService.isUnitedStatesFormatted('+2 (123) 456-7890'); // false 11}
in ts
1import {countriesDictionary, PhoneFormatPipe} from "angular-phone-helper"; 2 3constructor(private readonly phoneFormatPipe: PhoneFormatPipe) { 4 this.phoneFormatPipe.transform('31234567890'); // +3 123 456 7890 5 this.phoneFormatPipe.transform('1234567890', { iso: 'USA', prefix: true }); // +1 (123) 456-7890 6 this.phoneFormatPipe.transform('1234567890', { prefix: true }); // 1234567890 (wrong length) 7 this.phoneFormatPipe.transform('1234567890', { iso: countriesDictionary.usa.isoCode }); // +1 (123) 456-7890 8 this.phoneFormatPipe.transform('1234567890', { iso: countriesDictionary.usa.isoCode, prefix: false }) // (123) 456-7890 9}
in html
1{{ '31234567890' | phoneFormat }} <!-- +3 123 456 7890 --> 2{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { iso: 'USA', prefix: true } }} // <!-- +1 (123) 456-7890 --> 3{{ '41234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: true } }} // <!-- +4 123 456 7890 --> 4{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: true, code: '+33', format: '(XXX) XXX-XXXX' } }} // <!-- +33 (123) 456-7890 --> 5{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: false, code: '+33', format: '(XXX) XXX-XXXX' } }} // <!-- (123) 456-7890 --> 6{{ '1234567890' | phoneFormat: { prefix: false, format: '(XXX) XXX-XXXX' } }} // <!-- (123) 456-7890 -->
1NOTE: Methods in table and `custom country method` 2Input >>> phone: string 3Output >>> result: boolean 4 5NOTE: isFormatted method 6Input >>> phone: string, countryIsoCode: string 7Output >>> result: boolean
ID | Country ISO code | Phone prefix | Phone format | Method* |
1 | International | | +X XXX XXX XXXX | isInternationalFormatted |
2 | USA | +1 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isUnitedStatesFormatted |
3 | CAN | +1 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isCanadaFormatted |
4 | GBR | +44 | 0XX XXXX XXXX | isUnitedKingdomFormatted |
5 | FRA | +33 | 0X XX XX XX XX | isFranceFormatted |
6 | DEU | +49 | 0XXX XXXXXXX | isGermanyFormatted |
7 | ITA | +39 | XXX XXX XXXX | isItalyFormatted |
8 | POL | +48 | XXX XXX XXX | isPolandFormatted |
9 | UKR | +380 | XXX XXX XX XX | isUkraineFormatted |
10 | MDA | +373 | XX XXX XXX | isMoldovaFormatted |
11 | GRC | +30 | XXX XXX XXXX | isGreeceFormatted |
12 | TUR | +90 | XXX XXX XXXX | isTurkeyFormatted |
13 | IND | +91 | XXXXX XXXXX | isIndiaFormatted |
14 | CHN | +86 | XXX XXXX XXXX | isChinaFormatted |
15 | IDN | +62 | XXXX-XXXX-XXXX | isIndonesiaFormatted |
16 | PHL | +63 | XXX XXX XXXX | isPhilippinesFormatted |
17 | AUS | +61 | XXXX XXX XXX | isAustraliaFormatted |
18 | BRA | +55 | (XX) XXXX-XXXX | isBrazilFormatted |
19 | ARG | +54 | XX XXXX-XXXX | isArgentinaFormatted |
20 | MEX | +52 | XX XXXX XXXX | isMexicoFormatted |
21 | ESP | +34 | XXX XX XX XX | isSpainFormatted |
22 | CZE | +420 | XXX XXX XXX | isCzechRepublicFormatted |
23 | PER | +51 | XXX XXX XXX | isPeruFormatted |
24 | JPN | +81 | XXX-XXXX-XXXX | isJapanFormatted |
25 | KOR | +82 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isSouthKoreaFormatted |
26 | AUT | +43 | XX XXXXXXXXX | isAustriaFormatted |
27 | AZE | +994 | XX XXXXX XXXX | isAzerbaijanFormatted |
28 | ALB | +355 | XXX XX XX XXX | isAlbaniaFormatted |
29 | DZA | +213 | XXX XX XX XX XX | isAlgeriaFormatted |
30 | AGO | +244 | XXX XXX XXX | isAngolaFormatted |
31 | AND | +376 | XXXXXX | isAndorraFormatted |
32 | ATG | +1268 | XXX XXXX | isAntiguaAndBarbudaFormatted |
33 | ARM | +374 | XX XXXXXX | isArmeniaFormatted |
34 | AFG | +93 | X XX XXX XXXX | isAfghanistanFormatted |
35 | UZB | +998 | XX XXX XX XX | isUzbekistanFormatted |
36 | YEM | +967 | X XXX XXX | isYemenFormatted |
37 | KNA | +1869 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isSaintKittsAndNevisFormatted |
38 | BGD | +880 | 01XX XXX XXXX | isBangladeshFormatted |
39 | BHS | +1-242 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isBahamasFormatted |
40 | BRB | +1-246 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isBarbadosFormatted |
41 | BHR | +973 | XXXX XXXX | isBahrainFormatted |
43 | BLZ | +501 | XXX-XXXX | isBelizeFormatted |
44 | BEL | +32 | 0X XX XX XX XX | isBelgiumFormatted |
45 | BEN | +229 | XX XX XX XX | isBeninFormatted |
46 | BGR | +359 | X XXX XXXX | isBulgariaFormatted |
47 | BOL | +591 | XXXX-XXXX | isBoliviaFormatted |
48 | BIH | +387 | XXX XXX XXX | isBosniaAndHerzegovinaFormatted |
49 | BWA | +267 | XX XXX XXX | isBotswanaFormatted |
50 | BRN | +673 | XXXX XXX | isBruneiFormatted |
51 | BFA | +226 | XX XX XXXX | isBurkinaFasoFormatted |
52 | BDI | +257 | XX XX XXXX | isBurundiFormatted |
53 | BTN | +975 | XX XX XXX | isBhutanFormatted |
54 | VUT | +678 | XXX-XXXX | isVanuatuFormatted |
55 | HUN | +36 | (XX) XXX-XXXX | isHungaryFormatted |
56 | VEN | +58 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isVenezuelaFormatted |
57 | TLS | +670 | XXX-XXXX | isEastTimorFormatted |
58 | VNM | +84 | XXX XXX XXXX | isVietnamFormatted |
59 | GAB | +241 | X XX XX XX | isGabonFormatted |
60 | HTI | +509 | XXX XX-XXXX | isHaitiFormatted |
61 | GUY | +592 | XXX XXXX | isGuyanaFormatted |
62 | GMB | +220 | XXX XXXX | isGambiaFormatted |
63 | GHA | +233 | XXX XXX XXXX | isGhanaFormatted |
64 | GTM | +502 | XXXX XXXX | isGuatemalaFormatted |
65 | GIN | +224 | XX XXX XXX | isGuineaFormatted |
66 | GNB | +245 | X XXX XXXX | isGuineaBissauFormatted |
67 | HND | +504 | XXXX-XXXX | isHondurasFormatted |
68 | GRD | +473 | XXX XXXX | isGrenadaFormatted |
69 | GEO | +995 | XXX XX XX XX | isGeorgiaFormatted |
70 | DNK | +45 | XX XX XX XX | isDenmarkFormatted |
71 | DJI | +253 | XX XX XX XX | isDjiboutiFormatted |
72 | DMA | +1 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isDominicaFormatted |
73 | DOM | +1 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isDominicanRepublicFormatted |
74 | EGY | +20 | 01X XXX XXXX | isEgyptFormatted |
75 | ZMB | +260 | XXX XXX XXX | isZambiaFormatted |
76 | ZWE | +263 | X XXX XXXX | isZimbabweFormatted |
77 | ISR | +972 | XX-XXX-XXXX | isIsraelFormatted |
78 | CPV | +238 | XXX-XX-XX | isCapeVerdeFormatted |
79 | KHM | +855 | XX-XXX-XXX | isCambodiaFormatted |
80 | CMR | +237 | XX-XX-XX-XX | isCameroonFormatted |
81 | CAF | +236 | XX-XX-XX-XX | isCentralAfricanRepublicFormatted |
82 | TCD | +235 | XX-XX-XX-XX | isChadFormatted |
83 | CHL | +56 | XX-XXXX-XXXX | isChileFormatted |
84 | COL | +57 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isColombiaFormatted |
85 | COM | +269 | XX-XX-XX | isComorosFormatted |
86 | COG | +242 | XXX-XX-XX-XXX | isCongoFormatted |
87 | CRI | +506 | XXX-XXXX | isCostaRicaFormatted |
88 | CIV | +225 | XX-XX-XX-XX | isIvoryCoastFormatted |
89 | HRV | +385 | XXX-XXX-XXX | isCroatiaFormatted |
90 | CUB | +53 | X-XXXXXX | isCubaFormatted |
91 | CYP | +357 | XX-XXXXXX | isCyprusFormatted |
92 | ECU | +593 | X-XXX-XXXX | isEcuadorFormatted |
93 | SLV | +503 | XXXX-XXXX | isElSalvadorFormatted |
94 | GNQ | +240 | XXX-XXX-XXX | isEquatorialGuineaFormatted |
95 | EST | +372 | XXX XXXX | isEstoniaFormatted |
96 | ETH | +251 | XX XXX XXXX | isEthiopiaFormatted |
97 | FJI | +679 | X XXXXXX | isFijiFormatted |
98 | FIN | +358 | XXX XXX XXXX | isFinlandFormatted |
99 | ISL | +354 | XXX XXXX | isIcelandFormatted |
100 | IRQ | +964 | XXX XXX XXXX | isIraqFormatted |
101 | IRL | +353 | XXX XXX XXXX | isIrelandFormatted |
102 | JAM | +1 | (XXX) XXX-XXXX | isJamaicaFormatted |
103 | JOR | +962 | X XXX XXXX | isJordanFormatted |
104 | KAZ | +7 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isKazakhstanFormatted |
105 | KEN | +254 | XXX-XXX-XXX | isKenyaFormatted |
106 | KIR | +686 | XXX-XXX | isKiribatiFormatted |
107 | PRK | +850 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isNorthKoreaFormatted |
108 | KWT | +965 | XXXX-XXXX | isKuwaitFormatted |
109 | KGZ | +996 | XXX-XXX-XXX | isKyrgyzstanFormatted |
110 | LAO | +856 | XX-XXX-XXX | isLaosFormatted |
111 | LVA | +371 | XXXX-XXXX | isLatviaFormatted |
112 | LBN | +961 | XX-XXX-XXX | isLebanonFormatted |
113 | LSO | +266 | XXX-XXXXX | isLesothoFormatted |
114 | LBR | +231 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isLiberiaFormatted |
115 | LBY | +218 | XX-XXX-XXXX | isLibyaFormatted |
116 | LIE | +423 | XXXXXXX | isLiechtensteinFormatted |
117 | LTU | +370 | (X-XXXXX) | isLithuaniaFormatted |
118 | LUX | +352 | XXXXXXX | isLuxembourgFormatted |
119 | MKD | +389 | XXX-XXX-XX | isNorthMacedoniaFormatted |
120 | MDG | +261 | XX-XX-XXX-XX | isMadagascarFormatted |
121 | MWI | +265 | XXXXXXXXX | isMalawiFormatted |
122 | MYS | +60 | XX-XXXX-XXXX | isMalaysiaFormatted |
123 | MDV | +960 | XXXXXXX | isMaldivesFormatted |
124 | MLT | +356 | XX-XX-XX-XX | isMaltaFormatted |
125 | MHL | +692 | XXX-XXXX | isMarshallIslandsFormatted |
126 | MRT | +222 | XX-XX-XX-XX | isMauritaniaFormatted |
127 | MUS | +230 | XXXX-XXXX | isMauritiusFormatted |
128 | FSM | +691 | XXX-XXXX | isMicronesiaFederatedStatesOfFormatted |
129 | MCO | +377 | XX-XX-XX-XX-XX | isMonacoFormatted |
130 | MNG | +976 | XX-XX-XXXX | isMongoliaFormatted |
131 | MNE | +382 | XX-XXX-XXX | isMontenegroFormatted |
132 | MAR | +212 | XX-XX-XX-XX-XX | isMoroccoFormatted |
133 | MOZ | +258 | XX-XXX-XXXX | isMozambiqueFormatted |
134 | MMR | +95 | XX-XXX-XXX | isMyanmarFormatted |
135 | NAM | +264 | XXX-XXXXXX | isNamibiaFormatted |
136 | NRU | +674 | XXX-XXXX | isNauruFormatted |
137 | NPL | +977 | XXX-XXXXXXX | isNepalFormatted |
138 | NLD | +31 | X-XXXXXX | isNetherlandsFormatted |
139 | NZL | +64 | XX-XXXX-XXXX | isNewZealandFormatted |
140 | NER | +227 | XX-XX-XXXX | isNigerFormatted |
141 | NGA | +234 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isNigeriaFormatted |
142 | NIU | +683 | XXXX | isNiueFormatted |
143 | NOR | +47 | XXXX-XXXX | isNorwayFormatted |
144 | OMN | +968 | XXX-XXXX-XXXX | isOmanFormatted |
145 | PAK | +92 | XXX XXXXXXX | isPakistanFormatted |
146 | PLW | +680 | XXX-XXXX | isPalauFormatted |
147 | PAN | +507 | XXX-XXXX-XXXX | isPanamaFormatted |
148 | PNG | +675 | XXXX-XXX | isPapuaNewGuineaFormatted |
149 | PRY | +595 | XXX-XXXXXX | isParaguayFormatted |
150 | PRT | +351 | XXX XXX XXX | isPortugalFormatted |
151 | QAT | +974 | XXX-XXXX-XXXX | isQatarFormatted |
152 | ROU | +40 | 0XX XXX XXX | isRomaniaFormatted |
153 | RWA | +250 | XXX XXX XXXX | isRwandaFormatted |
154 | WSM | +685 | XX XXXX | isSamoaFormatted |
155 | SMR | +378 | XXX XXXXXX | isSanMarinoFormatted |
156 | STP | +239 | 9XXX-XXXX | isSaoTomeAndPrincipeFormatted |
157 | SAU | +966 | XXX XXX XXXX | isSaudiArabiaFormatted |
158 | SEN | +221 | XX XXX XX XX | isSenegalFormatted |
159 | SRB | +381 | XX XXXXXXX | isSerbiaFormatted |
160 | SYC | +248 | X XX XX XX | isSeychellesFormatted |
161 | SLE | +232 | (XXX) XXX XXXX | isSierraLeoneFormatted |
162 | SGP | +65 | XXXX XXXX | isSingaporeFormatted |
163 | SVK | +421 | XXX/XXX XXX | isSlovakiaFormatted |
164 | SVN | +386 | 0X XXX XX XX | isSloveniaFormatted |
165 | SLB | +677 | XXX XXXX | isSolomonIslandsFormatted |
166 | SOM | +252 | XX-XXX-XXXX | isSomaliaFormatted |
167 | ZAF | +27 | XXX XXX XXXX | isSouthAfricaFormatted |
168 | SSD | +211 | XX XXX XXXX | isSouthSudanFormatted |
169 | LKA | +94 | XX XXX XXXX | isSriLankaFormatted |
170 | SDN | +249 | XXX XXX XXXX | isSudanFormatted |
171 | SUR | +597 | XXX-XXXX | isSurinameFormatted |
172 | SWZ | +268 | XXX XXXX | isEswatiniFormatted |
173 | SWE | +46 | XXX-XXX XX XX | isSwedenFormatted |
174 | CHE | +41 | 0XX XXX XX XX | isSwitzerlandFormatted |
175 | TWN | +886 | XXX-XXXXXX | isTaiwanFormatted |
176 | TJK | +992 | XXX-XX-XX-XX | isTajikistanFormatted |
177 | TZA | +255 | XXX-XXX-XXXX | isTanzania,UnitedRepublicOfFormatted |
178 | THA | +66 | XXX-XXXX-XXXX | isThailandFormatted |
179 | TGO | +228 | XX-XX-XXXX | isTogoFormatted |
180 | TON | +676 | XXX-XXXX | isTongaFormatted |
181 | TTO | +1868 | XXX-XXXX | isTrinidadAndTobagoFormatted |
182 | TUN | +216 | XX-XXX-XXX | isTunisiaFormatted |
183 | TKM | +993 | XX-XX-XX-XX-XX | isTurkmenistanFormatted |
184 | TUV | +688 | XXX-XXXX | isTuvaluFormatted |
185 | UGA | +256 | XX XXX XXXX | isUgandaFormatted |
186 | ARE | +971 | XXXX XXX XXXX | isUnitedArabEmiratesFormatted |
187 | URY | +598 | X XXX XXXX | isUruguayFormatted |
188 | VCT | +1784 | XXX-XXXX | isSaintVincentAndtheGrenadinesFormatted |
189 | LCA | +1758 | XXX-XXXX | isSaintLuciaFormatted |
Phone | Formatted Phone | Description |
+1234567890 | +1 (123) 456-7890 | USA with prefix |
123456789 | 123456789 | USA with prefix (wrong length) |
(123) 456-7890 | +1 (123) 456-7890 | USA with prefix |
+1 (123) 456-7890 | +1 (123) 456-7890 | USA with prefix |
1234567890 | +1 (123) 456-7890 | USA with prefix |
1234567890 | +1 (123) 456-7890 | USA with prefix |
1234567890 | (123) 456-7890 | USA without prefix |
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