A node.js Module for communication with the AutoApps-Ecosystem developed by João Dias based on AutoRemote.
I hope we can develop a plug&play Linux and Mac OS X Client which can be extended by plugins.
Currently this is only a POC and early alpha stage
AutoApps (joaoapps.com)
AutoRemote for Android (Google PlayStore)
~$: git clone http://github.com/kai-wegner/autoRemote.js
~$: cd autoRemote.js
~$: npm install autoremote.js
You can use the executable file under "bin/" to send messages and test the register-api.
~$: ./autoRemote --help
Usage: autoRemote [options] [command]
send <message> <receiverKey>
register <toDevice_Key>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
- Send a Message/Register to another AutoRemote-Device
see AutoRemote - Key/ID for getting your deviceKey.
~$: autoRemote send "Hello World!" yourDeviceKey
~$: autoRemote register yourDeviceKey
Configuration and serverKey-file
Configuration is under "conf/" should contain self-explaining configuration files and the serverKey-File.