binance-futures-connector in nodejs
币安-合约+现货 sdk,持续更新,欢迎PR一起完善
tg:wkc19891 微信:wkc19891
币安 返佣注册链接 实时返20%
此SDK集成了币安 合约 和 现货接口,且有成熟策略案例,如需可浏览github学习。

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API. It’s designed to be simple, clean, and easy to use with minimal dependencies.
使用此包的项目集合 *策略持续分享...
Supported APIs:
Inclusion of test cases and examples
Customizable base URL, request timeout and HTTP
Response metadata can be displayed
Customizable Logger
新增常用函数 _G(),_N(),Log(),Sleep(),LogProfit(),DateFormat()...
Installation 安装
npm install binance-futures-connector
yarn add binance-futures-connector
Documentation 参考文档
* 记录收益 打印收益曲线
async function PrintProfit() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
LogProfit(i + 1000)
await Sleep(200)//休息0.2秒
console.log('重置收益曲线', LogProfit())
// ``` 打印输出接口
// [
// { income: 1000, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:07' },
// { income: 1001, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:07' },
// { income: 1002, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:08' },
// { income: 1003, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:08' },
// { income: 1004, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:08' },
// { income: 1005, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:08' },
// { income: 1006, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:08' },
// { income: 1007, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:09' },
// { income: 1008, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:09' },
// { income: 1009, time: '2022-11-27 10:39:09' }
// ]
// ```
* 记录10次日志
async function PrintLog() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Log(i + 1000)
await Sleep(200)//延迟0.2秒
console.log('清空日志', Log())
// ``` 日志结构
// [
// { key: 1, logs: '1000', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:10' },
// { key: 2, logs: '1001', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:11' },
// { key: 3, logs: '1002', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:11' },
// { key: 4, logs: '1003', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:11' },
// { key: 5, logs: '1004', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:11' },
// { key: 6, logs: '1005', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:11' },
// { key: 7, logs: '1006', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:12' },
// { key: 8, logs: '1007', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:12' },
// { key: 9, logs: '1008', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:12' },
// { key: 10, logs: '1009', time: '2022-11-27 12:12:12' }
// ]
// ```
async function UseG() {
_G('key1', '123', 888, 777)//设置key1值
_G('key2', 'hello world')//设置key2值
_G('key3', JSON.stringify({ name: 'top', age: 18 }))
console.log('key1=', _G('key1'))//获取key1值
console.log('key2=', _G('key2'))//获取key2值
console.log('key3=', _G('key3'))//获取key3值
console.log('', JSON.parse(_G('key3')).name)//获取key3.name值
// ```输出
// key1= 123888|777
// key2= hello world
// key3= {"name":"top","age":18}
// top
// ```
async function UseN() {
let a = 1.34159;
console.log('a=', a);
let a1 = _N(a, 2)
console.log('a2=', a1);
let a2 = _N(a, 3)
console.log('a2=', a2);
// ```输出
// a= 1.34059
// a2= 1.34
// a2= 1.341
// ```
const client = new Future(apiKey, apiSecret, { ip: proxyIp, port: proxy })
* 获取BTCUSDT 1m 10条数据
* @param {*} coin
function GetR() {
client.records("BTCUSDT", "1m", 10).then(records => {
console.log('获取BTCUSDT 1m 10条数据=', records)
// ``` 输出
// [
// {
// Time: 1669522920000,
// Open: 16524.4,
// High: 16526.3,
// Low: 16522.9,
// Close: 16526.2,
// Volume: 69.66
// },
// {
// Time: 1669522980000,
// Open: 16526.3,
// High: 16536.3,
// Low: 16526.2,
// Close: 16530.3,
// Volume: 128.14
// }
// ]
// ```
let sar1 = TA.SAR(records, 0.008, 0.2, 0.008);
console.log('sar11', sar1[sar1.length - 2], 'sar21', sar1[sar1.length - 3])
// buy()//买入开多
// sell()//卖出开空
// buy_close()//卖出平多
// sell_close()//买入平空
const { Future, TA, _G, _N, LogProfit, Log, DateFormat, Sleep, buy, sell, buy_close, sell_close } = require('binance-futures-connector')
const apiKey = ''
const apiSecret = ''
const proxyIp = ''
const proxy = '1087'
const fs = require('fs')
const client = new Future(apiKey, apiSecret, { ip: proxyIp, port: proxy })
client.records("BTCUSDT", "1m", 1500).then(records => {
let sar1 = TA.SAR(records, 0.008, 0.2,0.008);
console.log('sar11', sar1[sar1.length - 2], 'sar21', sar1[sar1.length - 3])
client.records("ETHUSDT", "5m").then(records => {
if (records && records.length > 20) {
console.log("ETHUSDT", "5m", "time now:", TA.getDate())
let boll = TA.BOLL(records, 90, 2)
let upLine = boll[0]
let midLine = boll[1]
let downLine = boll[2]
console.log("upLine", upLine[upLine.length - 1])
console.log("midLine", midLine[midLine.length - 1])
console.log("downLine", downLine[downLine.length - 1])
let macd = TA.MACD(records, 12, 26, 9)
let dif = macd[0]
let dea = macd[1]
let _macd = macd[2]
console.log("DIF:", dif[dif.length - 1], "DEA:", dea[dea.length - 1], "MACD:", _macd[_macd.length - 1])
var kdj = TA.KDJ(records, 9, 3, 3)
let k = kdj[0]
let d = kdj[1]
let j = kdj[2]
console.log("k:", k[k.length - 1], "d:", d[d.length - 1], "MACD:", j[j.length - 1])
var rsi = TA.RSI(records, 14)
console.log("rsi:", rsi[rsi.length - 1])
var atr = TA.ATR(records, 14)
console.log("atr:", atr[atr.length - 1])
var obv = TA.OBV(records)
console.log("obv", obv[obv.length - 1])
var ema = TA.EMA(records, 9)
console.log("ema-9", ema[ema.length - 1])
var ma = TA.MA(records, 14)
console.log("ma-14", ma[ma.length - 1])
let h = TA.Highest(records, 30, 'High')
let l = TA.Lowest(records, 30, 'Low')
}).catch(res => {