Budo Demo
Note: this is currently an experimental module in early development.
Tool for quickly sharing a project on GitHub pages. Intended for use alongside the budo rapid prototyping tool.
The goal is to be able to run a command similar to the budo dev server that will publish to gh-pages for a project. Example:
For development:
budo index.js --open --live --css styles.css -- -t glslify
For sharing:
budo-demo index.js --include data --css styles.css -- -t glslify
Looks similar to budo, but will automatically build the project files (including the "data" directory) into the "dist" directory, ready to publish however you choose. I'm running it from my "package.json" "scripts" option, and publishing using the gh-pages module.
Here's an example from the "package.json" file of one my projects:
"scripts": {
"start": "budo index.js --open --live --css styles.css",
"build": "budo-demo index.js -c styles.css -i data",
"publish": "npm run build; gh-pages -d dist"
This is not intended for production builds, but only to make it quick and easy to share what you're working on.
budo-demo index.js [opts] -- [browserify opts]
--help, -h show help message
--dest, -o name of build destination directory
--include, -i files and directories to include in build
--title, -t optional title for default index.html
--css, -c optional stylesheet href for default index.html
--minify minify css
--cname add a `CNAME` file with domain (for gh-pages)