cockatiel-prometheus - Prometheus metrics for cockatiel circuit breakers
What is cockatiel-prometheus ?
This module provides Prometheus metrics for cockatiel circuit breakers.
How to Use it ?
Create an instance of CockatielPrometheus like below:
export const cockatielPrometheus = new CockatielPrometheus({ application: 'your-service-name' })
and then add your circuit breaker through its add method like below:
cockatielPrometheus.add('async-function-name', you-cockatiel-circuit-breaker-policy)
Note: Please pass the circuit breaker policy to add method provided by cockatiel library
and to expose the metrics, you can use the following code:
await cockatielPrometheus.metrics()
That's it. You are done. Now you can see the metrics in your Prometheus server.
import CockatielPrometheus from "./index";
import { circuitBreaker, retry, wrap } from 'cockatiel'
const yourServiceCircuitBreakerPolicy = circuitBreaker(handleAll, {
halfOpenAfter: 5 * 1000,
breaker: new ConsecutiveBreaker(3),
const yourServiceRetryPolicy = retry(handleAll, { maxAttempts: 10, backoff: new ExponentialBackoff() })
let cockatielPrometheus = new CockatielPrometheus({application: 'your-service-name'});
cockatielPrometheus.add('async-method-name', yourServiceCircuitBreakerPolicy);
const yourServiceCB = wrap(yourServiceRetryPolicy, yourServiceCircuitBreakerPolicy)
await yourServiceCB.execute(() => {
// your async method