Base64 encoding and decoding for Node.JS and browsers without polyfills.
This package provides a separate entry point in package.json
for bundlers to use, this way Webpack and Browserify (other bundlers aren't tested) users will be able to use the optimized-for-browser version of the library. This means the bundlers won't need to polyfill Node.JS's Buffer
For browser environments, the library uses btoa
and atob
, for Node.JS it uses Buffer
UMD module named Base64 is available from compact-base64.js
. You can use[tag]/compact-base64.js
in your regular HTML scripts by filling in the desired tag.
Browser support
IE10 and newer + everything else
var Base64 = require('compact-base64');
// base64 encode
var encoded = Base64.encode("hello world");
--> aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
// base64 decode
var decoded = Base64.decode(encoded);
--> hello world
// convert base64 to base64url
var urlSafe = Base64.originalToUrl(encoded);
--> aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ
// convert base64 to base64url
var encoded2 = Base64.urlToOriginal(urlSafe);
--> aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
// base64url encode
var urlSafe2 = Base64.encodeUrl("hello world");
--> aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ
// base64url decode
var decoded = Base64.decodeUrl(urlSafe2);
--> hello world