If you want to automatically import files (for colors, variables, mixins...) in you project, you can use the craco-plugin-style-resources-loader
. in fact introduce css global variables is useful in you project.
This is a craco plugin to add Style Resources Loader with create-react-app version >= 2.
Inspired by: craco-sass-resources-loader 、 craco-style-resources-loader and vue-cli Working with CSS
Add style-resources-loader to your react project easier.
$ yarn add -D craco-plugin-style-resources-loader
# OR
$ npm install craco-plugin-style-resources-loader --save-dev
expect a resources
option containing a string or an array of
string pointing the scss/sass/css/less
files your want to load before any scss/sass/css/less
e.g. use less processor
If you only use one less resources file,in craco.config.js
file, you need to use this:
const cracoPluginStyleResourcesLoader = require('craco-plugin-style-resources-loader');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
plugin: cracoLessResourcesLoader,
options: {
patterns: path.join(__dirname, 'src/less/common.less'),
Please enter supported CSS processor type
1. if u use css processor,please type css string
2. if u use less processor,please type less string
3. if u use sass or scss processor,please type sass or scss string,Choose one of the two
4. if u use stylus processor,please type stylus string
styleType: 'less'
You can load multiple scss/sass/css/less
resources files too:
const cracoPluginStyleResourcesLoader = require('craco-plugin-style-resources-loader');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
plugin: cracoLessResourcesLoader,
options: {
patterns: [
path.join(__dirname, 'src/less/common.less'),
path.join(__dirname, 'src/less/global.less')
Please enter supported CSS processor type
1. if u use css processor,please type css string
2. if u use less processor,please type less string
3. if u use sass or scss processor,please type sass or scss string,Choose one of the two
4. if u use stylus processor,please type stylus string
styleType: 'less'
Learn more about the configuration of options ,Please click on the link 👉 style-resources-loader