This is a super simple utility script
Input a string with many colons :
and knock off anything after the last one.
I use it to de-qualify fully qualified ARNs of lambdas.
npm install -g dequalify
or npm install -g
from within where you clone this if you roll that way.
This is expected to be installed to your $PATH, and used as a single use parser in larger scripts via |
Pass in a fully qualified ARN, Get an unqualified ARN back.
echo "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:function-name:version" | dequalify
for example would return
You can add -q
to instead return what qualifies:
echo "arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:function:function-name:version" | dequalify -q
for example would return version
If you'd like to find a use for this script in your day to day CI/CD: Here's how we use it.
Local environments use Apex, and each function within a project has it's own git repo. There are thoughts on project level repos #WIP.
When a change is ready to go into the CI/CD pipeline, commit to the develop branch.
Build server picks up the changes and runs something like:
# clean up after yourself
rm -rf
rm -f ARN
rm -f log
rm -f .gitignore
rm -rf .git
# Generate code to send to AWS
zip -r .
# send it to AWS and save a log
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name YourLambdaFunctionHere --publish --zip-file fileb://./ > log
# parse that log to grab the full ARN to an artifact that can be used to deploy arbitrarily later
cat ./log
cat ./log | grep FunctionArn | cut -d '"' -f4 > ARN
cat ARN
That build generates an ARN that you can use to deploy to different environments using aliases. Hence this script that literally everybody* will have use for.
Give the aws lambda update-alias --function-name $(cat ARN | dequalify) --name YourEnvironmentHere --function-version $(cat ARN | dequalify -q)
script an alias that your environment points to.
PS. Dear Amazon. Lambdas are awesome. Please let me choose the version number when publishing one. I'd like to have that control back.