Geometry Extrude
A small and fast JavaScript library for extruding 2D polygons and polylines to 3D meshes. It depends on earcut to do triangulation.
Extrude polygons with holes.
Extrude polylines with specific line thickness.
Generate position
/ uv
/ normal
/ indices
Support bevel style.
Basic Usage
Install with npm
npm i geometry-extrude
Extrude a simple square with hole
import {extrudePolygon} from 'geometry-extrude';
const squareWithHole = [
[[0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10]],
// Hole
[[2, 2], [8, 2], [8, 8], [2, 8]]
const {indices, position, uv, normal} = extrudePolygon([squareWithHole], {
depth: 2
Use with ClayGL
const {indices, position, uv, normal} = extrudePolygon(squareWithHole);
const geometry = new clay.Geometry();
geometry.attributes.position.value = position;
geometry.attributes.texcoord0.value = uv;
geometry.attributes.normal.value = normal;
geometry.indices = indices;
Use with ThreeJS
const {indices, position, uv, normal} = extrudePolygon(squareWithHole);
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
geometry.addAttribute('position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(position, 3));
geometry.addAttribute('normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(normal, 3));
geometry.setIndex(new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute(indices, 1));
Use with regl
const {indices, position, uv, normal} = extrudePolygon(squareWithHole);
const draw = regl({
frag: `...`,
vert: `...`,
attributes: {
position: position,
uv: uv,
normal: norma
elements: indices
Full API List
// polygons same with coordinates of MultiPolygon type geometry in GeoJSON
// See
polygons: GeoJSONMultiPolygonGeometry,
// Options of extrude
opts: {
// Can be a constant value, or a function.
// Default to be 1.
depth?: ((idx: number) => number) | number,
// Size of bevel, default to be 0, which is no bevel.
bevelSize?: number,
// Segments of bevel, default to be 2. Larger value will lead to smoother bevel.
bevelSegments?: number,
// Polygon or polyline simplification tolerance. Default to be 0.
// Use to do the simplification. Same with the tolerance parameter in it. The unit is same with depth and bevelSize
simplify?: number,
// If has smooth side, default to be false.
smoothSide?: boolean,
// If has smooth bevel, default to be false.
smoothBevel?: boolean,
// If exclude bottom faces, default to be false.
// Usefull when bottom side can't be seen.
excludeBottom?: boolean,
// Transform the polygon to fit this rect.
// Will keep polygon aspect if only width or height is given.
fitRect?: {x?: number, y?: number, width?: number: height?: number},
// Translate the polygon. Default to be [0, 0]
// Will be ignored if fitRect is given.
translate?: ArrayLike<number>,
// Scale the polygon. Default to be [1, 1]
// Will be ignored if fitRect is given.
scale?: ArrayLike<number>
) => {
indices: Uint16Array|Uint32Array,
position: Float32Array,
normal: Float32Array,
uv: Float32Array,
boundingRect: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}
// polylines same with coordinates of MultiLineString type geometry in GeoJSON
// See
polylines: GeoJSONMultiLineStringGeometry,
// Options of extrude
opts: {
////// Extended from opts in extrudePolygon
// Thickness of line, default to be 1
lineWidth?: number,
// default to be 2
miterLimit?: number
) => {
indices: Uint16Array|Uint32Array,
position: Float32Array,
normal: Float32Array,
uv: Float32Array,
boundingRect: {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}
// Extrude geojson with Polygon/LineString/MultiPolygon/MultiLineString geometries.
geojson: GeoJSON,
// Options of extrude
opts: {
////// Extended from opts in extrudePolygon
// Can be a constant value, or a function with parameter of each feature in geojson.
// Default to be 1.
depth?: ((feature: GeoJSONFeature) => number) | number
// Thickness of line, default to be 1
lineWidth?: number,
// default to be 2
miterLimit?: number
) => {
// Same result with extrudePolygon
polygon: Object,
// Same result with extrudePolyline
polyline: Object