(easy) Fetch API
Easy to use and lightweight wrapper for the Fetch API.
- Provides CRUD methods
- Each method returns a Promise, therefore works with async/await
- Automatically sets required headers (for POST, PUT and PATCH it sets
and Content-Type
headers to application/json
- Provides method for easily posting form data
- Pre-request and post-request callbacks for an easier integration with store-based architectures like Redux - see example
This library does not provide a polyfill for the Fetch API.
npm install --save easy-fetch-api
import Api, { RESPONSE_TYPES } from 'easy-fetch-api';
Api.get({ url: '/api/me', callback: console.log });
await Api.post({ url: '/api/register', data: { email: 'value', password: 'value' } });
// Set headers on each request
Api.get({ url: '/api/me', headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer token' } });
// Or set headers globally and they are automatically passed on each request
Api.setHeaders({ Authorization: 'Bearer token' });
console.log(RESPONSE_TYPES) // { json: 'json', blob: 'blob', text: 'text' }
More detailed usage examples below in the docs of each method:
Set a base URL (if needed).
This will be used to prefix all later URLs
Performs a HTTP Get request.
url: '/api/get',
headers: { Authorization: 'token' },
query: { q1: 'value', qn: 'value' },
responseType: Api.RESPONSE_TYPES.blob,
callback: () => {}
- url (String, required) - URL to make request to
- headers (Object, optional) HTTP Headers object in the form of
{ headerKey: headerValue }
- query (Object, optional) Query object in the form of
{ queryKey: queryValue }
- callback (Function, optional) Function called after the server responds, with resulting data
- responseType (String, optional) one of the RESPONSE_TYPES allowed values
- returns Promise
POST (json)
Performs a HTTP Post request.
url: '/api/post',
data: { email: 'value', password: 'value' },
headers: { Authorization: 'token' },
callback: () => {}
- url (String, required) - URL to make request to
- data (Object, required) - Object body to be posted
- headers (Object, optional) HTTP Headers object in the form of
{ headerKey: headerValue }
. Note that there are two preset heders: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
. You can override them using this parameter
- callback (Function, optional) Function called after the server responds, with resulting data
- responseType (String, optional) one of the RESPONSE_TYPES allowed values
- returns Promise
Performs a HTTP Post request with form data.
url: '/api/postForm',
data: 'email=value&password=value',
headers: { Authorization: 'token' },
callback: () => {}
- url (String, required) - URL to make request to
- data (String, required) - Form data to be posted
- headers (Object, optional) HTTP Headers object in the form of
{ headerKey: headerValue }
. Note that there are two preset heders: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
. You can override them using this parameter
- callback (Function, optional) Function called after the server responds, with resulting data
- returns Promise
Performs a HTTP Put request.
url: `/api/put/${id}`,
data: { email: 'value', password: 'value' },
headers: { Authorization: 'token' },
callback: () => {}
- url (String, required) - URL to make request to
- data (Object, required) - Object body to be updated
- headers (Object, optional) HTTP Headers object in the form of
{ headerKey: headerValue }
. Note that there are two preset heders: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
. You can override them using this parameter
- callback (Function, optional) Function called after the server responds, with resulting data
- responseType (String, optional) one of the RESPONSE_TYPES allowed values
- returns Promise
Performs a HTTP Patch request.
url: `/api/put/${id}`,
data: { email: 'value', password: 'value' },
headers: { Authorization: 'token' },
callback: () => {}
- url (String, required) - URL to make request to
- data (Object, required) - Object body to be updated
- headers (Object, optional) HTTP Headers object in the form of
{ headerKey: headerValue }
. Note that there are two preset heders: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
. You can override them using this parameter
- callback (Function, optional) Function called after the server responds, with resulting data
- responseType (String, optional) one of the RESPONSE_TYPES allowed values
- returns Promise
Performs a HTTP Delete request.
url: '/api/delete',
headers: { Authorization: 'token' },
query: { q1: 'value', qn: 'value' },
callback: () => {}
- url (String, required) - URL to make request to
- headers (Object, optional) HTTP Headers object in the form of
{ headerKey: headerValue }
- query (Object, optional) Query object in the form of
{ queryKey: queryValue }
- callback (Function, optional) Function called after the server responds, with resulting data
- returns Promise
CallBefore and Callback
Functions to be called before the request is fired and after the server responds, respectively. Facilitates integration with store-based architectures like Redux.
url: '/api/get',
callBefore: () => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.LOADING }) },
callback: result => { dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.LOADING_DONE, data: result }) }
The code is open-source and available under the MIT Licence. More details in the LICENCE.md file.