Wheel Gestures for Embla Carousel
This plugin adds wheel interactions to the amazing
Embla Carousel
First you need to follow the installation instructions for Embla Carousel, after that you can add wheel support:
yarn add embla-carousel-wheel-gestures # npm install --save embla-carousel-wheel-gestures
JavaScript / TypeScript
import EmblaCarousel from 'embla-carousel'
import { WheelGesturesPlugin } from 'embla-carousel-wheel-gestures'
// initialize Embla Carousel
const embla = EmblaCarousel(emblaNode, options, [
import { useEmblaCarousel } from 'embla-carousel-react'
import { WheelGesturesPlugin } from 'embla-carousel-wheel-gestures'
const EmblaCarouselComponent = ({ children }) => {
const [emblaRef, embla] = useEmblaCarousel({ loop: false, skipSnaps: true }, [
// ...
Get started instantly with one of the CodeSandboxes below.
JavaScript / TypeScript
React (embla-carousel-react)
Type: string
Default: is-wheel-dragging
Choose a classname that will be applied to the container during a wheel gesture. Pass an empty string to opt-out.
Type: 'x' | 'y'
Default: undefined
Force an axis on which to listen for wheel events. Useful if you want to slide horizontally when scrolling vertically or vice versa.
Type: Element
Default: undefined
Specify the element that should be observed for wheel events.
Global Options
You can also set global options that will be applied to all instances. This allows for overriding the default plugin options with your own:
WheelGesturesPlugin.globalOptions = {
wheelDraggingClass: 'my-class',
OS & Browser Support
- Mac OS (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge), Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad
- Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Edge), Microsoft Precision Touchpads
Legacy Browsers
If you need to support IE 10 & 11 you might need to install and add extra polyfills:
// Adds support old IE >= 10
import 'core-js/stable'
import 'events-polyfill/src/constructors/MouseEvent'
Kudos to David Jerleke for creating Embla Carousel with its open API 🙏