Detect es6 and es7
features enable or not.
$ npm install enable --save
var enable = require('enable');
if (enable.<feature>) {
console.log(<feature> is supported);
/* Example:
if (enable.generator) {
console.log('supports generator: `function* a() {}`');
List of features:
Object related:
- Object.is
- Object.assign
- Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
- Object.setPrototypeOf
- Object.observe
- Object.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
String related:
- String.raw
- String.fromCodePoint
- String.prototype.codePointAt
- String.prototype.normalize
- String.prototype.repeat
- String.prototype.startsWith
- String.prototype.endsWith
- String.prototype.contains
- String.prototype.anchor
- String.prototype.big
- String.prototype.bold
- String.prototype.fixed
- String.prototype.fontcolor
- String.prototype.fontsize
- String.prototype.italics
- String.prototype.link
- String.prototype.small
- String.prototype.strike
- String.prototype.sub
- String.prototype.sup
Number related:
- Number.isFinite
- Number.isInteger
- Number.isSafeInteger
- Number.isNaN
- Number.EPSILON
Math related:
- Math.clz32
- Math.imul
- Math.sign
- Math.log10
- Math.log2
- Math.log1p
- Math.expm1
- Math.cosh
- Math.sinh
- Math.tanh
- Math.acosh
- Math.asinh
- Math.atanh
- Math.hypot
- Math.trunc
- Math.fround
- Math.cbrt
RefExp methods:
- RegExp.prototype.match
- RegExp.prototype.replace
- RegExp.prototype.split
- RegExp.prototype.search
Map related:
- Map
- Map.prototype.size
- Map.prototype.get
- Map.prototype.has
- Map.prototype.set
- Map.prototype.delete
- Map.prototype.keys
- Map.prototype.values
- Map.prototype.clear
- Map.prototype.forEach
- Map.prototype.entries
WeakMap related:
- WeakMap
- WeakMap.length
- WeakMap.prototype.constructor
- WeakMap.prototype.get
- WeakMap.prototype.set
- WeakMap.prototype.has
- WeakMap.prototype.delete
- WeakMap.prototype.clear
Set related:
- Set
- Set.prototype.constructor
- Set.prototype.size
- Set.prototype.add
- Set.prototype.has
- Set.prototype.delete
- Set.prototype.clear
- Set.prototype.forEach
- Set.prototype.entries
- Set.prototype.keys
- Set.prototype.values
WeakSet related:
- WeakSet
- WeakSet.prototype.constructor
- WeakSet.prototype.add
- WeakSet.prototype.has
- WeakSet.prototype.delete
- WeakSet.prototype.clear
Array related:
- Array.from
- Array.of
- Array.prototype.copyWithin
- Array.prototype.find
- Array.prototype.findIndex
- Array.prototype.fill
- Array.prototype.keys
- Array.prototype.values
- Array.prototype.entries
- generator.
- arrowFunction
- asyncFunction
- asyncArrowFunction
- let.
- const.
- Promise.
- class.
$ npm install
$ npm test
$ npm test-cov