🥪 Toast component for Gridsome

A Gridsome plugin built on top of Vue-toasted, one of the best toast plugin available for VueJS.
Now you can also use it in Gridsome! 💥💥
Vue-toasted is a cool Toast plugin for any Vue-related project, and this plugin enhances the possibility of using it in Gridsome project 💯.
🔥 There are icons built-in supported such as FontAwesome, Material Icons etc.
🔥 And it's responsive too!
Check out the official demo.

yarn add gridsome-plugin-vue-toasted
npm i gridsome-plugin-vue-toasted --save
💻 Usage
Simply add the following code inside gridsome.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
use: 'gridsome-plugin-vue-toasted',
options: {}, // Optional - setup global options for the toast
More information on options API, check out the documentation here
Example: To set up toast displayed from bottom center of the page position: 'bottom-center'
, one toast as a time singletone: true
, and auto disappear after 5 secs duration: 5000
module.exports = [
//... - other plugins
use: 'gridsome-plugin-vue-toasted',
options: {
position: 'bottom-center',
singleton: true,
duration: 5000,
You can use directly in the component as normal, with a few lines of code:
methods: {
showToast() {
//Info toast
this.$toasted.info("I'm a toast 🥪 !", /* options */)
//Error toast
this.$toasted.error("Error", /* options */)
//Success toast
this.$toasted.success("Success", /* options */)
//Or just simple toast
this.$toasted.show("Hello World", /* options */)
🧼 Clearing toast(s):
💅 Register and personalize a toast dynamically
'my_cool_toast', //name of the toast
"I'm a cool toast", //message of the toast,
//options of the toast
type: 'success',
icon: 'success', //icon to use for the toast
A full list of official API documentation here.
I only hold credit for creating the Gridsome plugin wrapper 😉. All other credits go to the awesome team and contributors behind Vue Toasted project and external library (if any).
Enjoy 🥪!