Configuration options for htmltidy
Install it on node from npm
npm install htmltidy-options
This module exports a single object whose properties are named configuration
objects suitable for use with htmltidy.
There are configuration objects for
cleaning up pretty much any HTML, XHTML, or XML documents you come across.
Listing Available Configuration Objects Names
var htmltidyOptions = require('htmltidy-options');
Using With the htmltidy Module
var tidy = require('htmltidy').tidy;
var htmltidyOptions = require('htmltidy-options');
tidy('<table><tr><td>badly formatted html</tr>', htmltidyOptions['Kastor tidy - HTML page UTF-8'], function(err, html) {
Configuration Options Included
Kastor's Custom Options
The page options will take markup fragments and convert them into pretty
printed XHTML or HTML pages. The files should be in UTF-8 encoding or the output can
get really weird.
- Kastor tidy - XHTML page UTF-8
- Kastor tidy - HTML page UTF-8
The fragment options will take markup fragments and output pretty printed
XHTML or HTML fragments. This has the side effect of stripping out styles
though. There are several options available for different input file encodings.
- Kastor tidy - XHTML fragment UTF-8
- Kastor tidy - XHTML fragment raw
- Kastor tidy - XHTML fragment ascii
- Kastor tidy - HTML fragment UTF-8
- Kastor tidy - HTML fragment raw
- Kastor tidy - HTML fragment ascii
The clean options will turn on tidy's clean option and use some sane defaults
for quoting certain characters and scrubbing sloppy junk.
- Kastor tidy - XHTML Clean page UTF-8
- Kastor tidy - HTML Clean page UTF-8
- Kastor tidy - XHTML Clean fragment UTF-8
- Kastor tidy - HTML Clean fragment UTF-8
The XML reindent option takes an XML file in UTF-8 encoding and pretty prints
- Kastor tidy - XML Reindent UTF-8
Tidy's Example Options
These options are useful to some people so I've included them here even though
I only use them as examples when creating custom configuration settings. I'm
saying they work but, they never quite did what I wanted.
- TiDy clean Microsoft Word 2000 document
- TiDy clean Document - quote
- TiDy upgrade to CSS
- TiDy convert to XML
- Tidy convert to XHTML
- Tidy Reindent XML
Contact Info
If you have any questions or want to help improve this module you can write me
at matthewkastor@gmail.com or contact me through my Google + profile at https://plus.google.com/100898583798552211130